Chapter 21-30

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Murong Ning excitedly took out his rake and walked towards the door. The wolves near the door have been cleared today, and the little rabbit has left. There should be no more wolves around the door in the future, but If it's a little further away, I don't know.

    Walking out of the courtyard, there was a wolf howling in the distance, which made Murong Ning raise his vigilance. It seemed that there were quite a few wolves here. She began to observe carefully near the courtyard gate, and after a full hour of searching, she saw a blue-edged purple-leaf grass, took the grass in her hand, and then walked back.

    At this time, she heard a movement from behind her, and she looked back, "Mamma Mia! What a big wild boar." And the wild boar was hitting her with its fangs.

    Murong Ning raised the nail rake to meet her, she must know that she has already practiced the first level of Qi, her body is also agile, and her movements are particularly light, and she jumped to the back of the wild boar, just a nail rake, the wild boar howled, However, it didn't hit its deadly part. The wild boar turned his body, but how could Murong Ning wait until the wild boar turned to face her.

    Murong Ning slapped the wild boar with a rake, and finally the wild boar lay down. Murong Ning dragged the wild boar back to the courtyard and closed the door. Murong Ning breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the wild boar might smell bloody. Will attract wolves or something. Murong Ning was reluctant to throw the wild boar directly into his ring. It was too dirty. At least it was cleaned before putting it in so that it would not contaminate the ring.

    Murong Ning cleaned the blood on the wild boar by herself, and then threw it into the ring. She wouldn't do it anyway, as long as the pork didn't deteriorate, it would be fine for someone else to clean it up.

    It was almost evening after leaving the space. Fortunately, no one was looking after Murong Ning. Everyone had their own business to work on.

    Murong Ning went to Mr. Yao, but she wanted to take out the grass pills so that everyone could eat it. The person who took it out was Mr. Yao who was the most suitable.

    Murong Ning walked into the study, and Mr. Yao was looking at a document.


    "Ning'er, did you feel better after sleeping all afternoon?" Master Yao asked when he saw his granddaughter.

    "It's alright, what information is Grandpa looking at?" Murong Ning asked, she felt that the end of the world was coming soon, so it shouldn't be of any use to read any information now, right?

    "Look at the defense information of the entire city. We have to understand some things in advance." Mr. Yao put the things aside, and then asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

    "Grandpa, I have A friend researched some medicinal pills, I asked him for some, and now I will give them to you, and you can share them with them!" After Murong Ning finished speaking, he took out ten bottles of herbal pills, "This is called nourishing qi pill, and you can take one pill every day. Well, I think if you take this every day, you might be able to awaken your supernatural powers in advance!"

    Mr. Yao opened a bottle, and he took one and put it in his mouth. After eating, he felt that he was in good spirits and full of energy. "Good stuff!"

    "It's not bad! You remember to share it with your mother and uncle, as well as the eldest brother and the second brother." Murong Ning said with a smile, anyway, she knew that her grandpa would definitely not ask more questions. Grandpa is an old fox, I guess I guess You can also guess that this thing is taken out by yourself.

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