Chapter 31-40

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After a night of tossing, many people were convinced that the end of the world was really coming. At this time, the entrance of the Anning Base became lively, and some people who had accepted the reality early had lined up at the entrance of the Anning Base, waiting to enter the base.

    Because Murong Ning had told his uncle in advance, more than a dozen isolation rooms were set up at the gate of the base, and only those who had passed 24 hours safely could enter the base.

    Although most of the people complained about this setting, but for their own safety, they still followed this rule. After all, the soldiers next to them were pointing at them with real guns!

    At this time, Murong's family also stayed in the isolation room. Although the whole family was there secretly scolding the Yao family, but under the control of Mr. Murong, no one dared to scold.

    The anger in Murong Che's eyes is getting deeper and deeper, and it is even deepening gradually. Now Murong's old man has become more and more despised as his son. He is so impatient, how can he make a difference in the end of the world. Come?

    "Hold it for me, don't let me see the hatred in your eyes again." Old Man Murong gave Murong Che a cold look.

    Murong Che closed his eyes and hid everything behind his eyelids.

    Murong Lan was nestled in a corner, and there were five or six Murong Che's daughters beside her. These children were nestled beside them without saying a word. They were not very well received in Murong's house. They are already pretty good.

    "Laner, are you hungry?" Murong Che handed a bag of bread to Murong Lan. Murong Lan smiled at her father. None of them saw the hatred in the eyes of the girls with their heads down. Murong Lan smiled. Che's actions completely pushed the daughters of the Murong family to the opposite of Murong Lan. If Murong Lan was the granddaughter he liked, it is estimated that Mr. Murong could not help but want to scold his stupid son, but Mr. Murong did not. I don't like Murong Lan, so I don't see what Murong Che has done.

    Murong Ning knew that the Murong family came to the base. Murong Ning squinted slightly, and occasionally looked at Yao Junyi's performance. After all, the book records that Murong Lan's strength in the early stage was all due to the credit of her eldest brother. Not only did Murong Ning pay attention to Yao Junyi, everyone in the Yao family who knew about Murong Ning's dream also paid attention to Yao Junyi's performance.

    Yao Junyi spent the whole morning in a state of trepidation. He didn't even dare to let out the air now, and looked carefully at the strange eyes of the family.

    "Grandpa, did I do something wrong?" Yao Junyi finally couldn't help but ask.

    Grandpa Yao glanced at him, then said, "From now on, stay away from that Murong Che and the others. Except for Ning'er, you are not allowed to approach any of her sisters."

    "Uh, grandpa, they I don't know the sisters of that family at all?" Yao Junyi said depressedly.

    "You're not allowed to know each other in the future." Mr. Yao snorted.

    "Grandpa, are you hiding something from me? Can you tell me?" Yao Junyi's tears were about to fall.

    Mr. Yao glared at Yao Bin and said, "Go and explain to your son."

    Yao Bin sighed, he was the worst at this kind of thing.

    At this time, Yao Bin's security guard came in from outside, "General Yao, there is an urgent report."

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