Chapter 91-100

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Qiao Yiran saw that there was no one around here, her expression became cold, "Boss, maybe you think I'm an eighth-level supernatural power, and it's easy to escape, but my father knows my character, if I If you bring your own people, I will definitely advance and retreat with them."

    "Maybe he thinks you can easily deal with t6." Murong Ning said with a frown.

    "You don't know him, just yesterday, one of my subordinates told me that when he was eating outside the hotel, he saw my dad enter the hotel. He was very familiar with the hotel's proprietress, and my subordinate followed them out of curiosity. , it turns out that the house next to the hotel is the residence of the proprietress, and

    there is also a fourteen-year-old boy in that evidence. Next, he said that the female boss was forcing my dad to get rid of me, otherwise he would not let his son follow my dad's surname. He is now fifty-eight years old, and it is very important for him to have an heir, so I He became the one who was abandoned." Qiao Yiran's expression became more and more cruel.

    Murong Ning patted her on the shoulder, "Your ability is level 8, it's still very easy to deal with t6, maybe he won't have that kind of intention."

    "Boss, do you know why that adjutant Zhang ran away so fast? He drugged me, but I found out." Qiao Yiran smiled coldly, "If he really wanted to win this war, he wouldn't send this group of rabble, he made it clear that he wanted me to die. "

    What kind of medicine did he give you?" Murong Ning didn't think there were so many hidden secrets.

    "The medicine for blocking the ability, this medicine was developed based on the ability I have, and it was actually used on me." Qiao Yiran sneered, "I won't make it easier for them."

    "Okay, let's check. Let's talk about the truth, now try to escape, or else I won't be able to show up in front of them again." Murong Ning frowned.

    "Boss said, yes, I will cheer up." Qiao Yiran smiled. It was as if the things just mentioned had never happened to her at all.

    At this time, Xiaoyi ran over and called them, "Boss, it's time to eat." The

    two walked to the yard where Xiaoyi and the others were staying. In this yard, there are only people who go to war in the world, while Qiao Yiran's people are with the army.

    "Boss, Zheng Ming has sent food to the army and Captain Qiao's people." Before Murong Ning could speak, Wang Xiaole reported.

    Qiao Yiran sat down with peace of mind. It would be good if they had food. She was in no mood now.

    At this moment, Gao Qiaosheng walked in, "Wow! It's all cooked, and the place with beautiful women is good, can I eat some?"

    Xiao Yi gave him a blank look. "You've said it all, just eat it if you want, anyway, we will feed the cats and dogs.

    " She took the bowl of rice in her hand and ate it directly.

    Xiao Yi was angry enough, this person is really skinless and shameless.

    After eating, Gao Qiaosheng said, "I threw something on the wall, the zombies shouldn't attack us in a short time, but after a long time, we won't know."

    "Oh. After dinner, our team I'm about to go up the mountain, you can do whatever you want." After Murong Ning finished speaking, he jumped to the roof and observed the situation outside the earthen wall. The zombies outside were indeed besieging but not attacking. Not a single zombie broke the wall, and I don't know what Gao Qiaosheng put in.

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