Chapter 141-150

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Just when Yao Junyi was eagerly preparing to attend the speech at the Southern Base, an accident happened in city g. One person was bitten by a blue-skinned person. Although the wound did not worsen, the incident seemed to give people some warning.

    The entire base began to investigate the people with cyan skin. When the statistics came out, everyone was shocked. There were as many as 1,000 people, and even the skins of those who used to be supernatural powers had also mutated.

    This situation caught Murong Ning's attention. You must know that under normal circumstances, the mutated insects eaten by superhumans have no effect on them? But why do these people have skin discoloration? And according to the previous records, they were still normal a month ago, and through various investigations, it was not found that they often eat insect food.

    Murong Ning suddenly remembered the incident at Yitian Base. Could it be that someone is still using that formation? The first person Murong Ning thought of was Gao Qiaosheng.

    Thinking of this, Murong Ning began to search for the situation in the entire city of G. After searching again, she found no laboratory in the entire city of G. She began to use her divine sense to explore the outside of the city, every place occupied by the mercenary groups in the world. Nothing was found either.

    Murong Ning's expression caught Young Master Mo's attention, "Ning'er, what's the matter?"

    Murong Ning handed him the data from the investigation, Young Master Mo immediately began to doubt after reading it, "The skin of these supernatural beings Shouldn't it change color?"

    "And these people have the same experience, they all disappeared for a few days, but then they reappeared." Murong Ning rubbed his forehead, "I think Gao Qiaosheng has a serious suspicion, but G City still There is nothing unusual in the castle outside."

    "Why do you suspect him?" Young Master Mo asked, knowing that Gao Qiaosheng was his subordinate, and his subordinate was suspected, he had to ask why?

    "He used to run a laboratory, and I know he must be interested in that formation." Murong Ning let out a long sigh, "When the monk was caught, he didn't even see any formation secrets. Is it true? I think it may have been hidden by Gao Qiao."

    "This is really possible." Young Master Mo rubbed his chin, "If we follow him for a few days, we will know about him. Is there a place?"

    "There is no way." Murong Ning raised his eyebrows, hoping that he would contact his laboratory. Otherwise they are wasting their time.

    Young Master Mo smiled, then put his arms around Murong Ning's shoulders gently, "Just relax a little bit, he can't escape from my palm."

    Murong Ning raised his eyebrows, "It's not a good habit to be arrogant. "

    I'll surrender, that's it." Young Master Mo enjoys this warm feeling of warmth, "It would be great if I could break the space here, and I could bring Ning'er back to your original place." The world, you don't need to worry about these things anymore."

    "It would be nice if it were that simple, I'm already dead in that world. And I died completely, so what's the use of going back?" Murong Ning raised an eyebrow.

    "That's right, if you look familiar to them, you might be able to frighten them to death." Young Master Mo couldn't help rubbing his chin and thinking.

    While Murong Ning dodged out of the space, she sent someone to quietly monitor Gao Qiaosheng's every move. Including people or things he comes into contact with. After arranging this time, she still felt a little nervous. She knew that the formation should not necessarily make people change into any color. As long as that Gao Qiaosheng used a little means, all those scattered ability users would become his subordinates, look. It's not a small plan to come to him.

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