Chapter 221-230

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At this time, Li Yue said to Murong Lan, "Murong???"

    He just uttered two words, when he heard an exclamation from the table next to him, Murong Yan and a girl had fallen to the ground, and the two were stunned. past.

    Murong Ning glared at Li Yue, "Can you stop scaring people?"

    "Who knew they were so timid?" Li Yue pouted, he didn't mean it, okay?

    The people at the next table left in a hurry, Murong Ning pouted, not expecting her sister to be so timid.

    When checking out, Murong Ning couldn't help but take out the black card to check out, and found that there was nearly 100 million yuan in it, "Why so much money?" When he wasn't there, did anyone spend the money? I don't know what my father thinks, should I see him?

    Murong Ning didn't know that Murong Hao always had a guilt mentality and put money into it exponentially every year, just hoping to bring back his daughter. Although he thinks there is some suspense, the book has definitely changed. He studied it later, and the content of the book has been turned upside down. He hopes that one day his daughter can jump out of it again, because he found that many things about her daughter It was gone, and the supermarket was indeed evacuated by her daughter. Of course, these things were discovered when Xiao Yuer was talking about the book.

    "Ning'er, what's wrong?" Young Master Mo saw Murong Ning's expression strange.

    "Let's talk when we're done, let's go first." Murong Ning took Young Master Mo and left here first. She quietly used her divine sense to look at Murong Hao's company, and saw that Murong Hao was holding his forehead to read the documents, his face was a bit vicissitudes of life, and the place where his temples were turned pale.

    Murong Ning felt sour in his heart, how could Dad get old so fast, he used to pay attention to his appearance, and it was even more impossible for him to have gray hair. What happened to him now? Is it because of yourself?

    Young Master Mo noticed Murong Ning's expression and held her hand tightly. Not long after they left, someone arrived here and asked some things clearly. The man rushed to the hospital, and he went to find Murongyan.

    Murong Ning and the others returned home. The four men went to discuss matters. Murong Ning thought about it. She felt that she should still see her father.

    Murong Ning said something to Young Master Mo, Xiao Yunxi followed Murong Ning and set off. The two of them went out and took a taxi, because Murong Ning knew that there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the streets and alleys. In order to avoid something, it is best to behave a little normal. ""

    "Sister Ning'er, what is this iron box called?" Xiao Yunxi asked through voice transmission.

    "Cars, the means of transportation here, are the same as our flying swords," Murong Ning replied.

    "Oh, that's what it looks like. It's fun, let's get one too, I want to drive." Xiao Yunxi said excitedly.

    "Accompany me to see someone first, and then I'll buy it for you." Murong Ning blinked, children's cars are very fun. You can also remote control him back, not bad.

    When she was about to get to her father's place, Murong Ning got out of the car. She bought seven phones nearby and threw one to Xiaoyunxi to let him play with, while she dialed a number herself. This number was left to her by her father alone. Originally, only she knew this number.

    Murong Hao, who was correcting documents in the office, suddenly heard a bell that had been missing for many years. He felt his heartbeat slowed by half a beat, because at noon, he was notified that the black card that had not been touched for a long time had been swiped. He thought maybe his baby girl was back.

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