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Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem Beauxbaton Student! Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warning/s: Uses of she/her pronouns, Simp! Draco owshi, rusty kylie trying to write a cute little imagine, also kylie not knowing how to speak French, so she uses Google Translate (I don't trust Google Translate, but I can't speak French, so if you see mistakes, pls do tell me and correct </3) + it's not really Enchanted but also very Enchanted lolll, it's also almost 3am, so if it's trashy, I'm very sorry </3

Words: 1,283

Author's note: Hi potathoes!! It's been a while, I know, but my cousin was singing Taylor Swift's Enchanted earlier and I thought about this thing that I'm writing loll I hope you like it!!!

Additional author's note: Because This is supposed to be only on Tumblr, but I missed everyone here, so here's a little treat even though it's three am, and I'm very much not in the right frame of mind lolll I hope everyone likes this little story I wrote!! Also follow me on tumblr while ure at it </3


October thirtieth, nineteen ninety four, Y/N found herself in a carriage, her eyes staring at the window, nothing but clouds in her sight.

Going to Hogwarts for this school year was certainly not in her plans, but with the said school hosting this year's Triwizard Tournament, she had no choice but to come along- besides, it was nice to see new scenery but France.

The clouds started to part as their carriage lowered, and when everything cleared out, there they saw the castle.


"C'est un beau château," (That's a nice castle) said Celeste, Y/N's lovely friend.

Y/N shrugged with a light smile, "Pas mieux que le nôtre, cependant," (Still not better than ours, though.)

Celeste glanced at her with a fish eating grin, "Vous ne savez jamais ce qui pourrait arriver, peut-être que quelque chose... ou quelqu'un pourrait changer d'avis," (You never know what might happen, maybe something... or someone might change your mind.)

At that Y/N couldn't help but let out a laugh, "Nous verrons bien." (We will see.)

Their carriage finally made a landing, the girl could already see the students outside in their black school uniforms, their house colors presenting such house pride. Y/N smoothened out her blue uniform, and stepped out, her face channeling elegance and politeness.

A woman with a tall hat greeted them with a warm smile, "Madame Maxine, very nice to see you," said the woman, of which their Headmistress greeted back with a smile as warm as her own- McGonagall, as Madame Maxine had called her.

It wasn't long until the lot of them finally made their beautiful grand entrance. To be honest, Y/N hated it. Especially how it affected the men, their stares, so amazed and fascinated as if they were the only women in the room.

Y/N was glad it was over when it was.

That night, Dumbledore, the Headmaster, told them about all the boring things, such as the Triwizard tournament, and where, and until when the other schools were to stay.

It wasn't long until Y/N got to Hogwarts, she would always find herself either by the Black Lake or the Astronomy tower, a book in hand, as they were the places where there weren't people- it was hard to find one with three schools in one castle.

Today, it was the Black Lake she chose, but as she was on her way there, she stopped by the Courtyard because of a commotion. A furry one, I could say.

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