•Just Friends•

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Hey! I made a new cover for "Started With A Bet", and there it is! I'd say it looks pretty good. I'm lowkey proud because i suck at editing but ei i made that HAHAHA

Anyways, this is another Pinterest post i saw (it's not sad lol), i've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest and i see loads of fun things so yeah

Also, thank u for 19k reads!

Prompt: but "just friends" don't look at each other like that

This is a part two of "girl in the library", but there wont be any singing, just all the fluff hehe

Year: 5th (Umbridge? More like, Umbyeet. She aint here HAHA)
House: Hufflepuff

WARNINGS: lol short messy fluff. (a LOT of kisses oof)


Hearing that very familiar voice, you turn around and saw Draco Malfoy running towards you

With a smile, he stops infront of you, "well, hello, Draco", you said, smiling

He sheepishly smile and you swore you saw his ears turn pink, "uh, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to study together later"

You smile and nodded, "yeah, sure.", looking at your friend, you said, "you dont mind, right?"

She smiles teasingly, "i dont mind at all"

"great!", you looked at Draco, "i'll meet you in the library at six"

He nodded, and with a grin, he walked backwards, and turned around, running towards the Slytherin common rooms

You continued walking with your friend to your own common room, and as you walk, she bumps her shoulder with yours, "he's into you"

Rolling your eyes, you said, "we're just friends, Riz"

"yeah, but 'just friends' dont look at each other like that! I saw your eyes sparkle when you saw him", Riz said, "and dont even say that you didnt see him blush when he stopped in front of you"

You felt your cheeks heat up. You liked Draco, you really did. But you doubt he liked you back, besides, you were a Hufflepuff, you're surprised he even became friends with you

"he doesnt like me like that", you said, not meaning the slight dissapointment in your voice

Riz smirks, "yeah, tell that to my arse"

Once again, you roll your eyes, and both of you stop infront of the Hufflepuff common room entrance. You mumble the password, and the door swang open. You and Riz went in, she sits down on the couch, and you went up to your dorm to change

Soon, it was almost six pm, and you were ready to go. You go out of your dorm, and exit the common room.

As you walk through the corridors, you couldn't help but think about what Riz said. Ever since he heard you singing back in your fourth year, the both of you have grown close.

You weren't complaining, not at all, but you just cant help but fall for him. He's really kind, his bad boy facade if just a cover. He didnt want to seem weak, as he said

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