•Nothing You Can Do•

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Another request! By BisexualFlamingo !

Okay, maybe lay low on the requests first, people HAHHAA

After this, there's another one, then maybe that'll be my last request for awhile, because i keep on getting these ideas, and i want to put them out, so yeah. I won't really close the requests, but maybe i just won't do it all in a row? Anyways,,

This one's going to be real angsty! No happy endings here lol

Year: 4th
House: Slytherin (Siriusly, there's so many of u 😂)

WARNINGS: one. big. ANGST AAHH also might be short oof. And also, illegal drinking !! Pls don't drink, it's not good, even if you're legal. It's bad 4 u :)). Wait there's more warnings; Draco Jerky. Get it? Beef Jerky, but Draco, because he's a total jerk here lol

Draco Malfoy

Once you hear his name, your heart beats rapidly, and naturally, a blush will creep up your cheeks.

The blonde has been your bestfriend since you were kids, and of course, you couldn't help but grow a liking to him.

And tonight, at the Yule Ball, you decided to make a move, not even caring that this might end your friendship, because he might not like you back.

But nevertheless, here you are, making your way through the crowd, and towards Draco.

He was sitting down on a table, drinking what seemed to be pumpkin juice. Or you might be wrong, and he might be illegal drinking, and is drinking firewhiskey


At your voice, he looked up, his eyes a little droopy. Draco perked up, seeing you, "Y/N! You're here!"

Yup, he was drunk.

Sitting down beside him, you cleared your throat, "Draco, are.. Are you drinking firewhiskey!?"

He looked at his glass, then laughed, "i just gave it a try. You should try it, too."

You shook your head, "no, i'm good.", you said, and Draco just shrugged. He took another gulp of firewhiskey, making you grimaced. Remembering what you came for, you sat straight, and cleared your throat, "actually, i wanted to tell you something-"

"Dray! The others are playing spin the bottle in the common room, let's go!"

Pansy Parkinson walked towards the blonde, making you frown. You didnt even get to finish before she came waltzing towards you to drag Draco away from you.

"oh", Draco said, standing up and wrapping his arms around Pansy's waist, making you look down, "are you coming?"

You looked up, and you saw pugface raise an eyebrow, "she's not invited-"


At that, Pansy rolled her eyes. You stood up, and soon, the three of you, along with other Slytherins, walked to the dungeons

Once inside the Slytherin common room, everyone circled around the coffee table. Blaise Zabini placed an empty bottle of firewhiskey on the table

"ready?", the dark skinned boy asked, and everyone nodded, except for you.

Blaise spun the bottle, making everyone go quiet. Your housemates waited in anticipation as the bottle slowly stopped

The bottle made it stop, making you look away. Wolf whistles were heard, and kissy sounds were made

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