•Nothing He Can Do•

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Yall asked for it, and i'm here to give to you 😗

"Nothing You Could Do" part two !!

Okay so, a lot of you sent in some ideas on how you want me to do it, and i honestly don't know how to do this, but decided to just put them all together.


Year: 4th
House: Slyther slyther

WARNINGS: loads of feels

The night of the Yule Ball was something you probably will never forget. But is something you would want to forget.

That night, not only did your heart break, but you lost Draco. He was your only friend, and now, you're alone. People would look at you and laugh, or snicker at you.

Pansy Parkinson would even corner you, and hex you at times. Not that that's not normal.

But, on the bright side, if you weren't crying in the corridors that night, Harry Potter couldn't have found you and consoled you. He told you that Draco didn't deserve you, and that you deserved much better.

All along, you thought Harry Potter was a suck up prick, who always has the spot light. The guy who everyone wants to be, and be with. But if you got to know him, he really was a kind man.

So it's been weeks, months even, since the Yule Ball. And you're fine, even without Draco.

Because now, you have Harry.

Draco left you with a broken heart, and Harry was there to fix it. You couldn't be more thankful for him. You quite like him, actually. Maybe not as much as Draco, because you love Draco, but when Harry asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend (after a few dates, of course), you said yes.

Because you deserved someone like Harry. Not someone, who you knew since you were kids, that hurts you.

You deserved better than that.

As for the blonde, the next morning of that night, he sat in silence, staring at a space.

He regretted doing that to you, when in fact, he felt the same. He was just scared.

Draco didn't want to let you down. He's afraid that he might not make you happy. That you'll get tired of him eventually, because he's a git.

Especially now, he pushed you away, ofcourse there's no turning back now. He's hurt you, and now he's hurting. And he deserved it.

Everytime he's with his so called 'friends', the topic is always you. How you're such a little cry baby because Draco rejected you.

The blonde was so tired of hearing those things. If he hear them say one more bad thing about you, he might just hex them.

What hurt him most is that now, you're with Potter.

And although he didn't want it, he's with Pansy. He doesn't even know why he is.

Maybe it's because he thinks about you too much, he wanted to get you off his mind.

It's not good to use someone as a rebound, but here he is, dating Pansy for his benefits.

Right now, it's the first week of February, and Draco was just sitting in the Slytherin common room, ofcourse, gathered with his 'friends'

Pansy, as usual, had her arms wrapped around Draco's arms, which he really tried to take off, but she won't budge.

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