•I'm A Wizard•

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Uhm, yeah. You gonna be a muggle here, bish!!!!

This is set a few years after the battle, so, Lucius doesnt give a fudge about what his son does HAHAHA

WARNINGS: I aint giving u no warnings cause there arent any. HAHAHA

You walked towards your local coffee shop to get a cup of.. Well, coffee. It was your favorite coffee shop too, so you were there almost everyday to the point that the baristas know you

Once you got there, you saw a guy with platinum blonde hair, looking at you as you walk towards the counter.

You just shrugged it and smiled at the barista infront of you

"hi, Karen." you greeted the barista

"hello, Y/N. What would you like today?" she asked with a warm smile

"i'll just get the usual." you said and paid for your drink

Once you were done with that, you sat down on an empty table and waited for your drink..

What you didnt notice was, the blonde boy stood up and walked towards your table

"is this seat taken?"

You looked up, only to be met by dazzling greyish blue eyes

"uh, no, it's not" you smiled at him as he took a seat

"i'm Draco, Draco Malfoy" he said and held his hand out. You shook his hand, it was really soft and warm. You let go and was supposed to say your name when Karen walked up to you with your drink

"a caramel latte for Y/N?" she smiled and put your drink on the table

"thanks Karen." you said and she walked away

"Y/N, huh? Pretty name" Draco smiled at you, and you blushed, pushing a strand of lose hair behind your ear

"thanks. Draco's a really pretty name too. I love the stars" you said, smiling

"i mean, who doesnt? You know back to my school, we had an astronomy tower. It was amazing. I used to go there so much." he said, but there was a hint of sadness when he said the last part

And you being a curious cat, you asked, "what happened?"

He looked at you with shock, like he didnt expect you to be interested with his life

"uh-" he thought for a moment. "I mean, she's a muggle, but i supposed it's not against the law to tell her that i'm a wizard. It's not like she'll believe me anyways" he thought

You waited as he was thinking, you didnt even realize you were staring at him, looking at how pretty his eyes are, how his hair looked so soft, how pale his skin is, and while you were looking at his lips, you couldnt help but think, "how soft would those be on mine?"


You snapped out of yoyr thoughts when he called you, it looked like he was saying something but then he noticed you were just staring at him

"what? I'm sorry, were you saying something? I was in cloud nine" you laughed awkwardly and looked anywhere but his eyes, embarassed that he caught you staring.

Well you would lie if you told yourself that he isnt attractive, cause he is.

He laughed a little by your flustered self, "i said, can you keep a secret?" he asked

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him, "i'm sorry to be rude, but, you would actually trust me to keep a secret of yours? We just met! I could be a bad person and use that secret against you for all you know!" you laughed nervously

"are you?" he asked, your eyes widen

"no! Oh my- no! I am not." you shifted in your seat

"well then, can you keep a secret?" he asked again, and you hesitantly nod, he sighed, leaning forward he said, "i'm a wizard, Y/N" he whisperd

You raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "yeah? Well guess what, i'm a fairy" you smiled teasingly

Draco shrugged, "well i didnt expect you to believe me. But i'm actually here, in the muggle world, to explore. And meeting you has been the greatest thing that has happened so far." he smiled

You felt your heart soften at that, "well, if what you're saying is true, i hope i can help you explore the "muggle world" as you said. That's if you'd accept my offer?" you said, smiling warmly

"i would love that" he said and your smile widen, "shall we start now?" he then stood up and offered a hand to you.

You took his hand and took your coffee in the other and stood up

"would want to waste time, now do we?"

And with that, the both of you walked out of the coffee shop, hand in hand, ready to explore the muggle world, and maybe, he'd bring you to the wizarding world someday too.

And thats. The motha fookin'. Tea

But yeah, i kinda enjoyed that idea. He's such a swertheart and he changed for the better.

I hope everyone's having a good day or night!

Larb yall Potathoes ✨💜⚡

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