•Steal My Girl•

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Another request skssksksksk draco_potter_malfoi requested this one about 2 months ago oopppsss AHAHHA

anyways, I hope I make up for it!!

Year n haus: 3rd, no Voldy yuhyeet, Slytherin (Veela, dang, you're blonde lmao)

WARNINGS: Idk honestlyyy fluff, maybe? A cocky Harry, and a possessive Draco. Also, trash, cause my four day break from school is over, so now I'm crying again??

You were beautiful. A Veela, for the love of Merlin.

But you were also Draco Malfoy's girlfriend.

Though everyone knows that, it didn't stop the boys from flirting with you. I mean, it's not everyday that a Veela got into Hogwarts, they were mostly in Beauxbatons, but you, you stayed in Hogwarts.

You liked it in Hogwarts, it was home. Especially since Draco is there. Everywhere is home if you were with Draco. You've known him since you were kids, and now that the both of you were thirteen, he finally managed to ask you out, and now, you're in a very happy relationship with him.

Although, you weren't sure if he was happy. He always ranted about how the men in Hogwarts were always trying to get you from him. It was cute, seeing him so worked up on how the guys gave you so much attention. His jealousy would surface, and he would show everyone that you were his', and his' alone.

But every once in awhile, you told to untangle his knickers, and let the guys be. You always remind him that you'll never even think about leaving him for someone else.

Why would you need someone else if you already have Draco? He cares for you, he's caring, puts you before him- Merlin, he's the perfect boyfriend everyone is asking for. Besides that, he's very supportive. He said your dreams were his', too.

Right now, you sat on the Slytherin common room couch, Draco's arm around you as you kept warm by the fire- not that you weren't warm enough in the blonde's arms.

He kissed your head, showing affection, "Your hair smells great," he chuckled.

You looked up to him, a small smile on your face, "It's vanilla," you told him.

Draco stared into your eyes, immediately getting lost in them. Merlin, he was head over heels for you. Honestly, who wouldn't?

Slowly, he leaned down to kiss you, you closed your eyes to meet his lips, but was interrupted with Theodore Nott walking inside the common room, his cheeky grin on his face, as always, "Hey, babe," he said as he passed by.

You rolled your eyes, and pulled away from Draco, who groaned, "Hi, Theo," you said, as if it was forced, which it was.

Draco glared at the man, and stood up, and was supposed to come at him, when you pulled Draco back down on the couch, a warning look on your face.

The blonde just let out a frustrated sigh, and sat back down, "Why don't you just let me beat them up? They know you're mine, they shouldn't be flirting with you," he whined.

You couldn't help but let out a laugh, Merlin, he was being such a child, it was cute, "I just don't want you to get into a fight. Your nose hasn't even healed from Granger's punch, yet!"

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