•A Black•

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Okay!! I've been wanting to write this, and obviously, the Blacks and the Malfoys are not related. Narcissa and Sirius are NOT cousins!!

But anyways, enjoy! And also comment, cause i miss yall comments 😭

Year: 5th (no, Sirius will stay alive cause that's how it should've happened.)
House: Gryffindor
Blood: half or pure, you choose peeps! (just not Muggle cause uh, your dad's a pureblood hehe, also, B/S means Blood Status lol)

WARNINGS: a lil angst? A bit of swearin', And messed up timeline cause it's been awhile since i last saw the movie and i cant recall when what happens haha

This year has been horrible.

Well, first of all, Umbridge happened, then Dumbledore left, making Umbridge take control of everything, not that she didnt when Dumbledore was still around

Hogwarts has never been so lame! There were no clubs allowed, Quidditch has been canceled (Oliver Wood is quaking), students has to be in bed after curfew, wich was very early, girls and boys were supposed to be eight feet apart? Like what in the name of Godric?

And worst of all, there were no messing around and no pranks allowed, but you were a Black, did that stop you? Ofcourse not, meaning you landed in detention a lot, giving you a lot of scars.

Classes has ended for the day, and you were on your way to one of your DA meetings. You entered the room of requirement, and almost everyone was already there.

Harry walked over to you, "Y/N!" he said, giving you a hug

"hey brother" you laughed, patting his back.

The both of you have been very close since third year, because, well, the "mass murderer", slash your father, turns out to be his godfather, so since then you had this sibling relationship with him.

The two of you let go and the twins immediately ran over to tackle you, "Black!" they exclaimed, the three of you in a hug

"hello boys!" you said, hugging them back. They back away, giving you that mischievous smile. You smirked, "any new pranks for us?"

They gave eachother a look, "well" George started

You raised an eyebrow, "well... What? Dont keep me waiting!"

Fred then said, "we know Umbridge's been an arse"

"and we know that everyone hates her" George continued

"so, we're planning to give Umbridge a little surprise" said Fred

"on the final exam" said George

You tilted your head, "and were you planning to do it without me?" you sassed

"ofcourse not!" they said in unison.

You smirked, "hit me with the idea, we'll give Umbridge hell."


The meeting is finally done, and you were one of the two people staying behind to pack up, Harry being the other person

You sighed, "School sucks" you started

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