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Heyyy!!! 💜✨

This can be a short sequel of "I'm A Wizard" uwu (i really need to stop saying uwu, some gets annoyed. I'm sorry for yall who gets annoyed, it just became a habit hehe)

Uuuhhh, aNywAyS

It's been two years since you met Draco in that coffee shop. You've been with him since that day, you let him see the sights of the "muggle" world, and he was just so fascinated, it was adorable

You've been in a relationship for about a year now, you got to know eachother for a year before making it official. It turned out, he was an actual wizard.

He showed you magic, it was beautiful, and he couldn't help his stomach from having butterflies everytime you get fascinated by magic. It was just a view for him.

Right now, the both of you are in your flat in the muggle world, and you were just sitting on the couch, holding your four string instrument in your arms. (yes, it is a ukulele), You've showed him different muggle things too, like a phone, a tv and even a microwave! (he was so confused on how the circle thingy in the middle turns around, and how it heats something up lol)

"hey, Draco." you said, Draco looked up from the book that he was reading, and raised an eyebrow, "come here." you tapped the space beside you.

He closed his book, put it down on ths coffee table and stood up from the one seater couch that he was sitting on and sat beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek

"what is it, love?" he asked, looking at the item in your hands.

You grin at him, "do you know what a guitar is?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "no..?"

"no? Really?" you laugh, shaking your head, "okay, okay. Well, this, is basically a guitar, but with four strings, and it's smaller."

"how many strings does a guitar have?" he asked, curious

"six." you smile, and started strumming your ukulele, your finger on the first string and third fret, making a C chord, "wait a minute, let me finish, i know you don't care, but can you listen?" you sang, your eyes closing.

His lips curled up in a smile. He loved it when you just get lost in things you loved. He listened to you sing, it was beautiful, he'd never get tired of it.

You finished the song, he clapped, "well done! You're amazing!" he said, giving your lips a peck

"thanks" you said, "but enough about me, please do have a go! I wanna hear you play" you giggle and hand him the instrument

He pouted, "darling, i dont know how to play this muggle thing"

"dont worry about it! I didnt knoa how to play it either! But youtube helped" you laugh, shrugging

He took your Ukulele, his eyebrows furrowed, "you-what?" he asked

You laughed at his expression, he was being so cute, he was so clueless, "youtube, a site where you can watch videos"

Draco just raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways, "back in the Wizarding world, we had pictures that move. Paintings even!" he boasted

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