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also, i know, this idea is so cliche, but i'm bored and i wanna write and this is what came into my mind, so DEAL WITH IT

haha jk, sorry, i dont bite, i promise ✨

Year: 4th
Blood: u a halfblood
House: u choose uwu

WARNINGS: Mention of deaths, you get bullied, and all that :)


(A/N: when did Spider-man get here?)

You sighed as you picked up your books from the floor, it was your 4th year at Hogwarts, and you're not like you used to. Last school year you were the most happy person ever, but now you look like someone died

Although, someone did die, it was your muggle mother, she died because of Cancer last Summer, and it was a lot to handle. Now your dad's depressed and you dont know what's happening at home. You're worried about your dad, because you dont even know if he's still alive

Problems over problems, that's what it is

But your current problem is Malfoy's gang's bullying. They only just grabbed your books and dropped them on the ground and pushed you against the wall. Called you names then left

You didnt understand why they would do that to you, you didnt do anything to them. But they bullied you ever since year 1, but you didnt mind them, you were too focused on having fun while at school with your friends

But ofcourse all that has changed now


You sat at the very end of the Y/H table, where no one really sits and just ate your lunch silently.

While you were doing that, Draco kept his eyes on you, worried why you were so quiet and sad. The last three years you werent like that, and he learnt to like you because you were always so cheerful and as if you dont have problems.

That was why he kept on bullying you, calling you names and such. Because he wants you to notice him, but ofcourse, him being the git he is, he knew you would never like someone like him. So this was his only way to get close to you.

As you eat, you felt a pair of eyes on you, you looked around, and your eyes fell on Malfoy. You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw him staring at you. Draco immidietly looked away and ate his food

There was always something about Draco that you couldnt put a finger on. You always saw the good in people, and you knew, that there was just something making him the way he is. You wanted to know what it was. It was quite.. intriguing

You looked back at your food and ate it piece by piece

Your silence was interrupted by Hermione sitting beside you and Ron and Harry followed, sitting infront of you

"Hey, Y/N. How are you? We just wanted to check on you. You've been quiet since school started" Hermione started

You gave her a fake smile, "i'm fine Hermione"

Hermione then looked at the two boys infront of you, then looked back to you,

"is it Malfoy? Is he bothering you?"

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