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Another request!

Uh, yeah, i hope yall like this, idk what else to say HAHHAA

Year: fourrrrrr
House: im putting yall in Gryffindor, because the person who requested this wanted the ~closeness~ between you and Harry hehe
Blood: pOtTaH

WARNINGS: uH..? Not nicely written oof

What did you ever do to Draco Malfoy? Was the question you always ask yourself

That bloody git has always been so mean to you. Constantly teasing you about anything, and everything he sees.

He's mean to your brother, Ron, and Hermione too, but for some reason, you're his main target!

Like right now, you're walking with Harry to Defense Against The Dark Arts when you saw the blonde walking the opposite direction of you

You tried to ignore him when you met in the middle, but he grinned, and you groan, already knowing what's going to happen next

"Hey Potter, i heard no one asked you to the Yule ball", he said making you roll your eyes.

Harry glared at him, "are you talking about me, or my sister? Because talk all you want about me, but if you ever say anything about my sister..."

"what are you going to do? Call your mummy and daddy?", he snickered, "oh right, you don't have any"

At that, many people gasped, including you. Harry pulled out his wand, and walked towards the blonde with an angry face, but you pulled him, "no, Harry. He's not worth hexing.", you said, and your brother just rolled his eyes, but nevertheless, he backed away. You glared at Draco, "what is it to you that i don't have a date, anyways? And for your information, people did ask me, but i kindly turned them down! Unlike you, it seems like you really will be going alone."

Draco frowned at that. It was true, he didn't ask anyone, really. He wanted to ask someone, but sadly, her brother's too protective that every boy that asked her has to be turned down, because her brother didn't want her around boys

The blonde likes you, but you're a Potter, Merlin's Beard, why did it have to be so complicated?

The only way he could get close to you, or even talk to you, is to insult you. And sometimes the trio, so it didn't seem suspicious.

"i.. I asked someone!", Draco lied, "atleast i'm going with someone! You're not going with a date!"

You rose an eyebrow, but before you could even answer, Harry pushed past you, and stood protectively in front of you, "look, Malfoy, i don't know what your deal is, but can you just stop bothering my sister? I've noticed that you bother her more than anyone. She hasn't done a thing to you!"

"exactly" The blonde thought, but he shook his head lightly, "you know what, you're both a waste of my time.", Draco said, and glared at the both of you, mostly you, and walked away

You frown, "what is wrong with him?", you asked, more to yourself than Harry, but he answered

"he's just a git, thinks he's better than everyone.", he said, and put a hand on your lower back, guiding you through the corridors, "or, he secretly likes you, and just bullies you to get your attention"

At the later words, you immediately turned your head at your brother. The both of you stopped walking and faced each other.

You looked at him closely, was he actually serious?

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