•Quidditch Practices And Stolen Kisses•

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Heyy i know i said i wont update today, but i already did my updates for both my books, sooooo, yeah!

Another request! This one's from evangelineesther45 ! Hope you like it teehee

Summary; reader and Draco in quidditch practice, both are in the Slytherin team, and they were ordered to do push ups with someone under them.. (read it to find out HAHA)

I forgot to ask wich position the reader wanted, so yall will have to do with "Q/P", wich means, "Quidditch Position hehehe

year: 4th
House: Slytherin (man i just noticed so many ppl are Slytherins lol)

WARNINGS: short (kind of), and loads of fluff!! Also 👀 (not what yall think HAHA)


Something you enjoyed doing. You tried out at the beginning of the school year, and you got in! You were the Q/P of the Slytherin team, and you wouldn't want it any other way.

Being the Q/P of the team was fun. Well, being part of the team was fun enough on its own, your team mates liked you, and they messed around some times, but when it's time for work, it's time for work.

And today, it was one of your practices, you stood with your team mates. Even though it was a little weird being the only girl, you didn't mind

"okay, everyone! Our second game of the year is coming, and i want everyone ready for it, understand!?", Flint, the team captain, exclaimed. All of you shout in agreement, making him nod, "good! Now, find a partner!"

Everyone then scattered and went to the person of their choice. You stood there, not knowing where to go, since everyone was taken

Everyone besides the person you sure wanted to be partnered with. Please mark the sarcasm

Draco Malfoy walked towards you, a grin on his face, making you roll your eyes

You and this boy- it was no secret that the both of you liked each other, you flirt a lot, make each other blush with some remarks, and all that

But there were also days that he just gets in your guts!

Inshort, you have a love-hate relationship. But the hate only lasts for like a minute, then it's gone. The both of you were too attached to be seperated for long.

Although, you havent really cleared to him what the both of you are.

Stupid labels.

"guess you're stuck with me, darling", he said once he was beside you

You scoffed, a smile playing on your lips, "you're always stuck with me, pretty boy"

With that, Draco just grinned at you, and looked at the team captain

"i want everyone to do push ups", Marcus said, and people started to kneel on the ground, but he followed, "with your partners underneath you"

At that, the others groan, "oh, c'mon, you're only giving Y/N and Draco the benefits", one of the beaters said, making your cheeks heat up

You weren't looking at Draco, but you were sure his ears turned pink at the remark.

Everyone liked to tease the two of you together, and you know what? You dont mind. Not at all.

You liked that people know he was kind of reserved, it means the girls back away, he is one handsome boy, for the name of Merlin.

Marcus glared at the beater, "i'm doing this for everyone's benefits, you arse! If we want to win the game, we need to be prepared!", he said, "now go start your push ups! I dont want to see people snogging, understood!?"

The last part were for you and Draco. You were sure of it

Everyone then laughed and got down, ofcourse not before making kissy sounds, making you flip them all off

Draco cleared his throat, "so, you want to be on top?"

You face him, a confused look on your face, "what?"

And just then, Draco realized how weird that sounded. So he asked again, failing to hide a teasing grin, "i meant do you want to do the push ups?"

At that, you said an "oh", and shook your head, "nah, i'll lay down"

Draco nodded, and you laid down on the grass. He then, soon followed, and got on top of you, putting his hands on the side of your heads to push him up

He then lowered, just a few inches from your lips, making you freeze, and soon enough, he pushed back up

You stared at him as he did push ups, everytime he went down, your heart would stop because of your closeness

"am i that good looking that you could stare at me until after practice?", he asked teasingly, a smile on his face

Rolling your eyes, you scoff, "i bet you think the same about me"

Draco laughed, and lowerd, staying there, making your breath hitch, "i do", he said, then looked around, and once he was sure no one was looking, he gave your lips a quick peck and went back up

Your eyes widen in shock, "what was that for?", you asked, your cheeks heating up

He laughed as he saw your skin get slightly darker, "it's not like we haven't kissed, Y/N"

"yeah, but-", once again, he lowered and pecked your lips, "hey!"

Draco smiled, "i honestly can't take it anymore"

At that, you felt your heart stop, "wait, can't take what anymore?"

He lowered himself, his lips by your ears, "i can't take that we're just friends anymore", he said, his voice husky from all the pushing up, making you have all those butterflies in your stomach, "so, i was wondering if you'd go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend"

Draco pushed back up, a hoping smile on his face

You teasingly smiled, "very bold of you to assume that we were friends", at that, he frowned, making you laugh, "but i'll take you up on that Hogsmeade offer."

The boy smiled, and kissed you again, but this time, it was longer, making you grin in the kiss

And the next thing you heard were wolf whistles, and a real loud whistle, making the both of you back away, smiles on your faces

"didn't i say no snogging!?"

That was cute. Admit it, it was amazing

HAHAHA JK pls dont hate me

But, do tell me what yall think! I think it's a really cute sweet short fluff, and i liked it loll!

One request left! (yall can still request!! Just dm meeee hehehe)

Anyways, larb yall 3000, Potathoes!

Mischief Managed xx

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