[ 1 ] i can't believe we're seniors

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surprise... i'm back earlier than i said i'd be ;)



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6 months later . . .

           ASPEN usually always hated that her birthday fell around the beginning of the school year, because usually—it was always the first day back. This year, it still did— but this time, when the clock struck midnight and she'd officially turn eighteen— she'd be having fun with all of her closest friends.

While her eighteenth birthday fell on the first day back, she and her friends had plans to go to the Senior Scribe for midnight.

Did the night before her eighteenth birthday also happen to fall on the night of a full moon? Yes, it did. But this time, unlike her seventeenth—she was in complete and total control. There she sat, on the hood of Stiles' jeep, her head rested on the shoulder of her best friend Scott McCall, the two supernatural teens staring up and the gleaming moon in the night sky like it was finally not it's enemy for once.

Stiles was stood beside the jeep, leaning on the hood with a map in front of him, marked up with a bunch of red ink. With her head rested on Scott's shoulder, Aspen's fingers fiddled with the loose cuffs of one of Stiles' many flannel shirts she had wrapped herself up in. In this moment, she felt at complete and utter content. It had been this way for her and her friends for a while now, it being six months since they made any enemies out of who they were.

"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District," Stiles said to the two of them sat on the hood of the jeep with his marker in his hand,  "but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury, also expensive..."

"What about Berkeley?" Scott asked, "Don't a lot of students live around there?"

"Yeah, yeah, we could try Knob Hill." Stiles nodded, "But, the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches."

"You're bringing the Jeep?" Scott asked, raising a brow.

"What kind of question is that?" Aspen chuckled with a smile with her head on Scott's shoulder, "Of course he is."

"You know the plan, okay? No one gets left behind." Stiles said with enthusiasm, "That's the plan. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF, Malia's, uh, gonna, you know, she'll figure something out, okay. You—Berkley, Aspen—Harvard—"

"Harvard's the dream," Aspen cut her boyfriend off, leaning her head up from Scott's shoulder and swivelling around so she was facing him, "I might've applied—but that doesn't mean I'm gonna get in. Their acceptance rate is ridiculous, dreams are called dreams for a reason—they're not usually realistic..."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now