[ 6 ] they'll never have to know

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okay low-key secret by joshua basset kinda fits some of this chapter, imagining it being from Theo's POV...

oh your secret's safe with me ...🎶


                           ALMOST a week had passed, Theo had gone relatively under the radar, keeping quiet and out of the limelight for now

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                           ALMOST a week had passed, Theo had gone relatively under the radar, keeping quiet and out of the limelight for now. With the exception of a few irritating and teasing comments he'd made to his biology lab-partner here and there, the pack hadn't heard too much from him. He was settling in into Beacon Hills High well, making acquaintances and keeping up the good impressions.

This night, Aspen Scott and Stiles were stood in Sheriff Stilinski's office as the man sorted out his tie and checked his hair in a pocket mirror that the teenage girl had provided for him. Aspen stood with her hands in the pocket of her tan-brown leather jacket, her brown locks tied up in a high-pony.

"I should've got a haircut..." Stiles' father murmured.

"Well, you know, someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut!" Stiles pointed out with an optimistic tone, raising his eyebrows as he pointed finger-guns at his dad.

But he just earned a very unimpressed look in response.

"I think you look great." Scott said a few moments later with a joyful smile.

"Well, thank you, son-I-should-have-had!" Sheriff Stilinski replied to Scott, his face lit up with a smile now.

Stiles just turned to Aspen, with a face suggesting he had no idea what he did wrong. The brunette just chuckled into her fist and shrugged.

"Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea..." Stiles' father suddenly turned pessimistic a moment later, unstraightening his tie before Stiles stopped him.

"What? Dad. Dad, it's one date, okay?" said his son, "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman. Or man..."

"It's a woman, Stiles." his father clarified.

"Okay!" Stiles nodded with an accepting smile.

"A very beautiful woman." Sheriff Stilinski added.

"What beautiful woman, by the way...?" Stiles asked curiously, furrowing his brow and tilting his head slightly.

"None of your business." Sheriff Stilinski replied with a light-hearted, joking tone and his lips stuck in a smile.

"It's Lydia's mum," Aspen said to Scott and Stiles, suddenly now having all eyes on her. The one pair she met were Sheriff Stilinski's— who didn't look annoyed, just curious as to how she knew. "Uhh— Lydia... told me.... sorry?"

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now