[ 2 ] senior scribe

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                            Aspen and Stiles arrived at the school that night, there now being just over twenty minutes until midnight—until it was officially the day the brunette girl turned eighteen years old. They stood outside the entrance to the high school, under a shelter from the heavy pouring rain upon them. Aspen was checking her phone religiously, desperate to magically see a text pop up on her screen from either Scott or Kira, whilst Stiles was stood in front of her, watching as every other senior in their class headed into the school, huddled together with all of their own friends.

"Still nothing from Scott and Kira..." Aspen spoke loudly over the rain to the Stilinski boy, trying hard to stay positive about the night but a part of her was growing solemn.

"Nothing from Lydia, either." Stiles replied, adding to the solemn dread that was starting to appear.

Aspen noticed the way her boyfriend was looking at all of these other teenagers, she could sense something with him that made her worry a little. She knew this even without trying to pick up on any chemosignals (she never liked to do that, especially not with him—she saw it as an invasion of someone's privacy, and she hated whenever someone did it to her). She knew something was up with him simply because she knew him better than anyone else, she picked up on the small things that were hidden beneath disguised layers.

"Hey—" she said softly, sticking her phone back into her jean pocket as she walked up to him with her full undivided attention, "what's going on with you?"

Stiles turned around, coming face to face with the brunette who's eyes he melted into every single time. He knew he'd never get bored of that look she got in her eyes every time she looked at him—whether they were filled with joy, love, worry, or even confusion—he found himself seeking comfort in them every time.

"I just..." Stiles sighed, "I don't know—I guess I just wanna make sure everyone's here, you know—for your birthday—"

"It's not just that," Aspen told him softly, "come on, Stiles—whatever it is, just talk to me about it."

Stiles hesitated, pursing his lips together as his eyes stared into her curious ones, before he let out another sigh, dipping his head down and then lifting it up again, meeting Aspen's eyes once more.

"Okay, I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends." Stiles told her, "Guess how many he still talks to?"

"I don't know, two?" Aspen asked with an innocent shrug.

"None," Stiles corrected, "Asp—none. Not a single one. You know, these were his best friends, and he just says he lost touch with them, you know. So, I started thinking about things, like I always do—"

"A little obsessively?"

"Yeah..." he agreed effortlessly, "And so, I'm thinking, what if... what if Scott's my best friend now, you know, but he's not my best friend for life?"

"He is," Aspen immediately starting shaking her head at him, placing her hands on his upper arms in comfort, "Trust me—Scott McCall is not exactly the kind of person you just grow apart from. None of us are—we've been through more than most teenagers do in high school, surely that's enough to keep us together?"

"But what if it's not?" Stiles added slightly pessimistically, but vulnerable, "What if—one day, we're just... apart? All of us, I mean..."

"Where is this coming from?" Aspen asked as she looked up into his honey-flecked eyes.

"I don't know..." Stiles shook his head as he dipped it down, "I guess—when we graduate, we're just expected to go our separate ways, you know? I mean, if all goes to plan— Scott's gonna be at Berkely, you're gonna be all the way on the other side of the country, three thousand miles away—and I don't even know where I'm going to be. Lydia will be at Stanford, Kira will be all the way in Florida, Malia... I don't know what her plan is yet. But my point is—if I've already found the best people in my life, why aren't I not trying to stay with them, you know?"

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now