[ 34 ] the realisation

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ANOTHER THREE DAYS had passed now

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had passed now.

In the midst of all the Dread Doctor disasters, and Theo and his new, resurrected pack—Stiles couldn't focus on anything other than his girlfriend, who had now been officially declared a missing person by his father—the sheriff.

Scott and Stiles, after having patched things over between themselves, had talked to the sheriff privately in his office a couple days ago. Stiles found that explaining how an 'I love you' text from his girlfriend was a bad thing—proved to be quite difficult.

"Aspen never says 'I love you' over a text, Scott." Stiles had said to his best friend, desperately trying to get his point across. "I know how ridiculous it all sounds— but I know something's up."

Scott had then turned to the sheriff, as if to silently ask what he thought of Stiles' reasoning for panic. But the two of them agreed with Stiles already—especially with how certain he seemed on the matter. More often than not—Stiles' gut feeling was right. And this time, it was concerning the safety of a girl they all cared so deeply about. They weren't going to waste time in being skeptical of Stiles' suspicions this time.

"What do you think could've happened to her?" Scott asked in response, becoming equally as worried about their best friend.

It'd been nearly a week since they'd seen her. Three days since Stiles received the text.

"I—" Stiles hesitated, clearly distressed as he buried his head in his hands, "I don't know..."

"Can't phones be tracked nowadays?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, "Surely one of you can, I don't know, find her location?"

"No, she got a new one," Scott replied, "Well—an old one, actually. It's not that advanced, it's just enough to send and received texts and calls, since it was the only one she could afford. She wouldn't let me or my mom lend her money for it."

"How the hell are we supposed to find her, then?!" Stiles grew angry, but Scott and his dad knew it wasn't directed at them. Stiles got a free pass to be impatient and rageful right now—his girlfriend was missing.

"We'll get all deputies searching—" Stiles' father tried to say helpfully, but his son cut him off.

"Deputies won't be able to find her!" Stiles said in distress, "Look, she's not gonna just be wondering around aimlessly on the street, alright? Someone has done something to her, someone—"

Stiles cut himself off this time, another thought popping into his head, his expression changing as his head tilted, eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

"Son, what is it?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"It's Theo—" Stiles said aloud, "Someone's helping Theo, or— or Theo's helping someone. Someone who wants something with her..."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now