[ 5 ] worried about an old friend?

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                            LATER on in the day, Scott, Malia, Aspen and Kira were sat around a quiet table in the library, studying for tests that their teacher's had already set them, despite it being the first day back

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LATER on in the day, Scott, Malia, Aspen and Kira were sat around a quiet table in the library, studying for tests that their teacher's had already set them, despite it being the first day back. Aspen had her AP Psychology textbook open in front of her on the introduction page, she was meant to be taking some notes but instead she had her cellphone in her hand as she exchanged some texts with Lydia.

"Did Lydia find out anything about what was going on with Tracy?" Malia asked Aspen from the seat beside her, making Aspen lift her head up and look at Malia, the girl who despite some rocky history, she found herself slowly befriending. In the words of her sophomore self when questioned about whether her and Lydia were friends— baby steps.

"Apparently Parrish went over there and checked out the rooftop," Aspen said to Malia, then let out a sigh as she finished, "And found dozens of dead crows everywhere."

"That's..." Scott murmured quietly and sarcastically, "comforting..."

A moment later, the calm atmosphere around the studying teenagers was interrupted by some fast, chaotic steps of a certain Stilinski boy rushing over to their table. They all lifted their heads up as they watched Stiles make his chaotic entrance, waving some pieces of paper in his hands which made all of their brows furrow.

"You found something?" Aspen was the first to pipe up as Stiles laid out the two crumpled pieces of paper on the table surface.

"Another signature." Stiles said to them all, pointing " This— is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago," he said, pointing to one, "and this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." he added, pointing to the other.

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked Stiles.

"Did you break into the administration office?" Scott asked before he could even answer, knowing his best friend well enough to know that's probably what Stiles did.

"No, I did not break into the administration office." Stiles denied, then caught eyes with his girlfriend who was raising her eyebrows at him, and then he sighed and gave in, "Okay, I might have broken into the administration office. Can we just focus on the signatures, please? They're different."

"They're sort-of different..." Malia shrugged as she looked at them.

"They're completely different!" Stiles said, "Come on, look. The garlands don't match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke are totally off... And look! Look at this—" he pointed to a certain spot on the signature from a few days ago, "perfect example of the criminal tremor."

"So, now Theo is Theo," Kira said aloud in thought, "but his parents aren't his parents?"

"Someone's not someone." Aspen said, as she looked closer at the signatures and agreed that they did look noticeably different. Stiles caught her eyes again, and she could tell he was happy to have her on his side here.

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now