[ 49 ] the reckoning

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            ASPEN LET OUT A HARSH YELL of pain out of shock, not expecting the sudden attack

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            ASPEN LET OUT A HARSH YELL of pain out of shock, not expecting the sudden attack. But when she opened her eyes and heard his voice, and saw who it was who'd attacked her, her blood ran thick with rage.

"It was about time you and I talked, don't you think?" Theo Raeken spoke as he had a murderous expression on her face, and then grabbed Aspen's frame and threw her down to the ground of the road, making her wince out in pain.

"Theo..." she grunted, "don't you have a hole to crawl back into?"

Aspen managed to pick herself back up, dusting off the gravel from the road that had stuck to her. She now came to stand face to face with him, like a true stand off.

"Thanks to you, and your friends, and your dad— I didn't get the power that was promised to me." Theo said to her with a venomous tone, his lips curling into a murderous smirk.

"And thanks to you I have a lifetime's supplyof trauma, cry about it." she shot back with her usual sparkiness.

Theo chuckled darkly, a sound that made Aspen uneasy. She didn't want anymore blood on her hands, she already had enough.

"You don't get it," he chuckled, taking a step forward closer to her, but she then took one backwards away from him. "I was promised a pack. I was promised power. Now I have neither."

"I'm not really seeing how this is my problem," Aspen's jaw clenched, narrowing her eyes at him.

"It's your problem because it's your fault." Theo shot back with a nasty glare. "You were supposed to fulfil your end of the agreement, you were supposed to be on my side, you were supposed to help me. You did this to me!"

"I did this to you?" Aspen scoffed in disbelief with narrowed eyes. She then took a step towards him with a threatening glare. "I'm sorry, are you feeling lonely, Theo? Are you starting to feel powerless? It's not nice, is it?!"

Theo didn't back up at all as Aspen took a step forward, the two enemies facing off with hateful, vengeful glares in the middle of a quiet road, as the sun continued to set quickly, the sky getting blacker.

"I'll never be powerless," Theo shook his head as he murmured darkly.

Aspen raised her brows, tilted her head to the side ever so slowly, glaring him right in the eyes.

"You already are..." she whispered.

Theo did not like hearing that. He snapped again, and since she had stepped closer to him, it was easier for him to grab her by the collar of her jacket and slam her into the Jeep again, this time over the edge of the hood, as he hovered over her with a murderous glare.

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now