[ 14 ] donovan

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                           STILES' HEART was beating rapidly inside his chest as he hid behind one of the many bookshelves in the school library

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                           STILES' HEART was beating rapidly inside his chest as he hid behind one of the many bookshelves in the school library.

One minute, his Jeep broke down on the way home and he pulled into the carpark to try and fix it with even more duct tape, the next—his shoulder was in the most agonising pain he'd ever felt, and he knew right away who had attacked him.

Donovan Donati. A teenage boy around Stiles' age, who his father seemed to have made an enemy out of. Stiles had clearly underestimated the damage that the boy could do that day when he met him in the sheriff's station, because now, Stiles was hiding as though his life depended on it. He held his palm over his mouth to silence his heavy, chaotic breaths, and even squinted his eyes shut in fear as he heard the footsteps.

"You dropped your phone..." Donovan called out as he picked up Stiles' cellphone from the ground, smiling deviously as he looked at the screen, "Aspen's been trying to call you, would you like me to leave her a message?"

Stiles swallowed a fearful lump in his throat as he tried to plan out where to go from here. He always had a plan—he was the guy who always knew what to do, who always had a way out, a plan B. But right now—he was too driven on fear to think straight.

"She's tried calling you, like, thirty times, man!" Donovan called out to Stiles, his phone still in his hands, "Maybe I should call her back—invite her to come join us?"
Donovan smirked when he didn't get a response again, instead he just imagined to look on the Stilinski boy's face, he imagined the fear running through his veins.

But nevertheless, Donovan soon switched the phone off and put it away. This was between him and Stiles, after all.

Stiles felt sick to his stomach at the idea of Aspen being in this danger with him, because if she was—all he would be able to think about was getting her to safety, and he'd probably get himself killed in the process.

So when Stiles heard the faint sound of his phone switching off, and Donovan's voice falling quiet, he felt a quick rush of relief at the thought that Aspen was hopefully somewhere safe, far away from the school.

"You don't really know who I am, do you, Stiles?" Donovan spoke up again, his slow footsteps taunting the Stilinski boy who watched from afar with shaky hands, "Maybe you heard about my father..."

Donovan started to walk further away from where Stiles was hidden behind a bookshelf, as the hazel-eyed boy watched intently with nerves as Donovan headed for the staircase to the second level of the library.

"Did your dad tell you about him?" Donovan called out to Stiles, "Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy, and how his partner got caught in a shoot-out?"

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now