[ 41 ] you have to open your eyes

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                 SCOTT was driving the Jeep as fast as the vehicle would let him, while Lydia was stressing nervously in the passenger seat, and Aspen cradled in Stiles' arm in the back

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SCOTT was driving the Jeep as fast as the vehicle would let him, while Lydia was stressing nervously in the passenger seat, and Aspen cradled in Stiles' arm in the back. Derek and Ace had gotten a ride with Malia and Kira in the were coyote's car, but they both had insisted they stopped by the animal clinic, which is where the others were headed.

Ace had to know his sister was going to be okay. And if she wasn't, he had to be there.

Stiles had managed to practically carry his girl all the way through the tunnels and out to his jeep, since she was so weak she could hardly walk on her own. She would've never managed to actually get out with him, she would've inevitably collapsed somewhere inside those tunnels, left alone to count down the time until her power consumed and killed her.

Stiles couldn't help but think about how shaky his girlfriend was as he held her in his arms in the back of his car, she was wincing in pain every few seconds, and her eyes kept opening and closing, which terrified him beyond explicable words.

"Scott..." Stiles said nervously, not thinking he was driving fast enough.

"Yeah, I'm trying." Scott shot back, distressed and scared himself, "I'm trying..."

Stiles looked down at his girl again, seeing the blood still streaming down the side of her head and her flinching every few moments. Her skin was cold to the touch as he tried to hold her hand.

"We're almost there, Asp." he said, trying to keep her as calm as he could considering the circumstance, "Just hold on, okay? Can you do that for me?"

Aspen couldn't help but let out a scream of agony. It wasn't like a banshee's scream, it didn't send the windows smashing or ears bleeding, but it was enough to make the other three teens in the car look at each other with immense concern and terror.

"Asp, baby, look." Stiles whispered endearingly, holding onto her pale, cold hand softly. "We're nearly there, we're gonna get you to Deaton, and you're gonna make it, okay?"

Aspen's eyes squinted shut in reflex to the immense pain she was going through. It wasn't just the excruciating pain of having a hole drilled into her head— every bruise on her body, every ache in every nerve had been amplified. She was drowning in more physical pain than she thought ever possible.

Stiles needed her to look at him, he had to look her in the eyes but he couldn't do that when she was squinting hers shut, burying her head in his chest as she sobbed silently.

"Asp," he whispered, bringing his hand up to her head and forcing her to turn to him and look into his eyes. "Baby, look at me, please."

Aspen slowly opened her glossy, teary eyes, gulping nervously as she met his.

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