[ 31 ] i thought she was with you

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                        STILES HATED WAITING

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                        STILES HATED WAITING. He hated the waiting rooms, he hated the anxiety that he'd feel the more time that passed by with no news, and he hated the not knowing.

After being forced to choose between his father and his best friend, Stiles had found his dad in a critical, bleeding condition and rushed him straight to the hospital to get the help he needed. Melissa had been doing a good job at trying to keep the boy calm, reassuring him that Sheriff Stilinski was going to be just fine.

In one of their brief conversations, Melissa had let it slip to Stiles that she texted Scott about what had happened, and that he was on his way to the hospital now. Stiles didn't want to see Scott, in fact, with the exception of Theo himself— Scott's face was probably the last one he wanted to see. Of course, he didn't tell Melissa that. Instead, he just pursed his lips, nodded, said thank you— and asked her not to call anyone else.

"Is there anyone else we need to notify?" a different nurse asked Stiles from behind the front desk, "a next of kin?"

"No, it's me." Stiles said anxiously in reply, "it's just me..."

Moments later, Stiles walked himself back over to the waiting room, and took a seat all alone, surrounded by strangers with their own problems. He rested his elbows on his knee as he tried to keep himself from crying too much.

Everything had fallen apart.

His dad's life was hanging in the balance, and the only reason it was in danger in the first place was because of him. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to look at his best friend the same way ever again— even though, said best friend was on his way to the hospital that very minute.

And to make things even worse, he had no idea where his girlfriend was. He knew Theo had done something to her, but for the life of him he couldn't think of what it could be. He prayed that Aspen, being as strong as he knew her to be, got herself out of whatever trap Theo set for her. He tried to think positively— that she might have outsmarted Theo, and that she was on her way to the hospital that very second.

Stiles kept calling her and sending texts, but with every one that passed without a response— thinking positively became more and more difficult.

He didn't remember when he fell asleep in the first place, but suddenly Stiles found himself blinking his eyes awake to the sight of Melissa in front of him with a weak smile on her face.

"He's okay." Melissa informed, "Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now."

"Okay..." Stiles sighed in relief and impatience, "I wanna see him." he began to get himself out of the seat, when Melissa put her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now