[ 43 ] everything i've missed

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              "CATCH ME UP on everything I've missed," Aspen said in a hum-like fatigue voice into Stiles' shoulder as she laid in his arms in his bed that night, his hand twirling her hair which was damp from her shower

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"CATCH ME UP on everything I've missed," Aspen said in a hum-like fatigue voice into Stiles' shoulder as she laid in his arms in his bed that night, his hand twirling her hair which was damp from her shower.

"Right now?" Stiles asked, kissing her forehead softly, enjoying the feeling of having her in his arms again. "I mean, there's quite a lot, you sure you don't wanna just sleep for now, I'll fill you in in the morning?"

"I'm surprisingly not tired," Aspen said softly, her head cradled in his shoulder as she had her hand on his torso over his shirt. "Besides, I thought Corey, Josh and Hayden were all dead, and saw them tonight, clearly alive. I don't really want anymore freaky surprises like that."

Stiles chuckled softly, the sound of his laugh making Aspen's lips form into a wide smile all across her cheeks, even though he couldn't see her face from the way they were lying down.

"Okay, well..." Stiles sighed, racking his brain for everything she'd missed around here. "We found out what the dread doctors were trying to do— revive a really old, ancient werewolf. It was called 'la bete', dates back to the 1500's or something."

"La bete?" Aspen replied, "What is that, French?"

"Yeah, it means 'the beast'," Stiles replied, still playing with her hair softly, "which is very comforting, I know." he added, clearly being sarcastic, making his girlfriend chuckle a bit.

"So they're trying to bring back an old beast," Aspen summarised, "anything else?"

"Um..." Stiles said a little hesitantly before telling her the next thing, "Theo, he..."

Stiles noticed the way her body ever so slightly flinched at the mention of the boy's name. It reminded him of the fear he saw in her eyes when Theo had grabbed her earlier than night in Eichen. It broke his heart. He didn't know if he should continue.

Aspen noticed him falling quiet, figuring he must've noticed her body's response to the Raeken boy's name. But she wanted to know, so she took his hand, and said "Theo did what?"

"He—" said Stiles, "He found your father, Asp. He found Deucalion..."

Aspen fell quiet again, her hand slowly slipping out of Stiles' body as she froze in shock, not expecting to hear that name.

She wasn't sure how to respond to such news.

"Oh..." was all she could say in a surprised murmur, "That's uh, I don't know, just... surprising, I guess."

"He said he wants to learn how to take the power from the beast." Stiles explained, "He thinks your da— he thinks Deucalion can show him."

Aspen just nodded her head lightly, not knowing how to respond to the revelation of her birth father's return. But she sensed Stiles knew more and was holding back.

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