[ 39 ] side effects of amplified power

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2nd chapter in the TRIPLE UPDATE !!!


                  NOTICING PARRISH getting threateningly closer, Theo thought quickly on his feet for some sort of leverage

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NOTICING PARRISH getting threateningly closer, Theo thought quickly on his feet for some sort of leverage. He rushed into Aspen's cell, ripping all of her restraints off of her, and forcefully dragged her up onto her feet, despite her cries of objection and the way she flinched just by looking at the boy.

Watching close by but trying to remain hidden, Stiles tensed with fear and stress as he watched Theo grab Aspen. Parrish, well— the hellhound, had absolutely no relation or connection to Aspen Bellator. If he had used Lydia, the banshee, it could've worked, but Lydia was currently upstairs in the electrical room with Malia and Kira.

Stiles' jaw clenched angrily as he saw how scared Aspen looked, her eyes were bugging out widely in horror, and her whole body was shaking, flinching to get away from Theo's grip as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Take him," Theo ordered his pack, his hand wrapped around Aspen's throat threateningly.

"The guy's on fire!" Corey objected nervously.

"You'll heal, do it!" Theo yelled back angrily.

Tracy and Josh charged towards Parrish, but it should've been known that they didn't stand a chance up against the hellhound. Stiles' gaze was only fixated on Aspen and the fear in her eyes as Theo held on tight to her with his claws extracted around her neck. Stiles then found himself beginning to stand up off the floor in protective instinct, but remaining hidden for now.

"Theo, this isn't working!" Josh yelled at Theo when their attempts failed to slow Parrish down.

Lance then crawled across the cold, steel ground with the same drill that Valack had used on the Bellator girl in his grip. He reached his arm out forward, and drilled a hole into Theo's leg.

Theo grunted out in sheer agony, as Aspen's limp, weakening body fell out of his grip as he fell to the floor. Aspen fell to the ground weakly onto her knees, wincing in pain at the harsh collision. Stiles was about to lurch forward, exposing his presence to grab her, not caring if he put himself in danger—but before he could do that, Lance was standing to his feet and grabbing her instead.

"Sorry, Theo." Lance spat sarcastically, "I'm not finished with her yet..."

Lance then hauled Aspen's body off the floor and whisked her away from the scene. Stiles had reached out to grab her just as Lance was getting away, but before he could get the chance, Parrish was chucking Corey's body through the air in their direction with force. Lance managed to grab Aspen by the shoulders and dodge the boy completely, whereas Stiles wasn't fast enough, and became crushed by Corey, giving Lance the opportunity to get away with the girl.

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