[ 40 ] you were never ready to hear it

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3rd chapter in the TRIPLE UPDATE !!!


                               DEREK had been stunned as he watched Parrish, a supernatural hellhound, walk right past the mountain ash barrier

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DEREK had been stunned as he watched Parrish, a supernatural hellhound, walk right past the mountain ash barrier. Scott and Liam were currently fighting off some more orderlies, whilst Theo and Stiles were in the tunnels looking for Aspen. But Derek was just stood there, by the gate, watching Parrish walk right past him with ease.

Derek knew the whole plan had gone to shit. He clocked that when Stiles only had two minutes to get Aspen and her brother from her cell. Lots of time had now passed since that, and Derek had been driving himself mad, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to help.

He came back to Beacon Hills this morning to save Ace Bellator from this place.

He was not leaving without him.

Derek looked up and down, sizing up the gate which he, Liam and Scott had not been able to walk past due to the mountain ash. But having watched Parrish just walk through it, Derek got curious.

He held up his hand, slowly, hesitantly holding it up to the invisible barrier.

His eyes widened as his hand went straight through.

Derek's brows furrowed, knowing that shouldn't be possible. But he realised that it must've been because of Parrish, something about Parrish did this

Derek turned back to Scott and Liam who had just managed to fight off more orderlies, his eyes widened and filled with hope.

"Scott!" Derek yelled, "Scott the mountain ash, it's gone!"

"Parrish—" Scott replied, "he— he must've burnt it all out of the walls when he walked right past—"

Derek then didn't waste any more time before running straight through the gated door and into the closed unit hallway. He'd been down here before, he knew which cell Ace was in.

And he ran to it.

Derek's heart thumped in anticipation as he passed by all of the other cells, making his way to the one that mattered. He imagined the look on Ace's face when he realised he was actually getting out of here, he hadn't clung to hope like that in a long long time, and Derek couldn't wait to give him hope again.

Derek could hear Scott and Liam's footsteps behind him, but he wasn't focussed on anything other than that one cell in the distance that was about to change everything.

The Hale man finally got to Ace's cell, and he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening as he laid eyes upon the man behind the glass.

Ace was still strapped down to a chair like Stiles had seen him earlier, his head was dipped between his shoulders in fatigue, his eyes fluttering open and shut.

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