[ 33 ] a warning declaration of love

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             🎶 i love you — billie eilish

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             🎶 i love you billie eilish

              NEARY SEVENTY TWO HOURS had passed since anyone in Beacon Hills had heard from Aspen.

Yesterday, after explaining his entire revenge scheme to avenge his father, Lance had left Aspen alone in her cell for the following twenty-four hours. At this point, she just prayed and wished for an opportunity to shower. The strands of hair that fell before her forehead just in her eyeliner were evidently getting dirty and greasier, and Aspen just always liked to feel clean.

She knew it was a matter of time until the white cell door came barging open again today—in fact, she had nothing better to do than quite literally count the minutes and hours.

Aspen knew that in the winter, the sun rose in California at around seven 'o' clock in the morning. There was the tiniest, barred-over window at the top of one of the plain, prisoning walls in her cell. No where near reachable or big enough to even dream of escape—but enough for her to see the sun rise and set each day.

It allowed her to at least keep track of the days, and the times which Brunski Junior would visit her.

According to her rough mental counting, it was nearing around three in the afternoon when she heard the jangling of keys outside her cell.

Aspen's lifeless eyes glanced up to the door to watch the man in the lab coat wonder on into the white-tiled room. Aspen's eyes followed him with a glare as he walked up to her seat which she remained in restraints, and he stood about a meter in front of her, looking down at the brunette.

"Did you sleep well?" Lance asked her.

"You psychos haven't even given me a bed," Aspen rolled her eyes, "so what do you think? I slept just dandy."

Lance tilted her head at her, then chuckled in amusement as he sighed. He then raised up his hand, and clicked his fingers in a summoning motion to the open door. Moments later, two men were entering the room, carrying a very heavy, industrial-looking bed, with a mattress so thin Aspen wondered if the chair might actually be better. She observed the sides of the bed frame, seeing chains and leather restraints all up and down the bed.

"Jee, thanks..." Aspen murmured sarcastically as the other two men began to prop the bed up behind her at the back of the cell.

Lance gave a look to the two Eichen orderly once they had put the bed down, signalling for them to leave the room and close the door behind them.

"You got any idea how long you've been in here, Bellator?" Lance asked Aspen with an amused tone.

"Nearly seventy-two hours," Aspen replied back in a dull, tiresome voice.

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