[ 18 ] visiting doctor vallack

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                             "PLEASE empty your pockets into the container

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                             "PLEASE empty your pockets into the container." said the Eichen worker from behind the front desk, as the four teenagers approached for visitation.

Before any of them actually started to empty their pockets, Scott said, "We're here to see—"

But he was soon cut off by the man in Eichen scrubs again, repeating his previous statement— "Please empty your pockets into the container."

Lydia placed her faux suede handbag into the plastic box, Scott and Stiles dug out their phones from their pockets, along with some sets of keys. Then, the orderly kept staring at Kira uncomfortably, making her furrow her brows until he asked, "Please remove your belt and place it into the container."

"...I kind of need the belt." Kira replied hesitantly, "I mean, it's crucial to the outfit."

"Please remove your belt—" he said unwaveringly in a monotone voice, "which patients will attempt to take from you and use to strangle either themselves or others."

"Right." Kira nodded, pursing her lips awkwardly, and then removed her katana belt and placed it in the box, "Got it."

A few moments later, Dr Conrad Fenris—another doctor who worked at the facility, was walking the group of supernatural teens through the building and down to the closed unit.

"I'll remind you that I'm only doing this as a favor to Deaton," Fenris told the four of them, "and I'm doing it against my better judgment."

"Hey, what's the etiquette for talking to this guy?" Stiles couldn't help but ask out of curiosity, "I mean, do you ever look at the other eye?

""I wouldn't." Dr Fenris responded with a sigh, "In fact, while you're down here, try not to make eye contact with anyone or anything."

Once the four teenagers had made it down to the entrance of the closed unit, accompanied by Dr Fenris, just as the man was about to unlock the gate with the Eichen key-card, Scott and Kira suddenly stopped half way through the corridor, catching Lydia and Stiles' attention and questioning expressions.

"You didn't think you were all going, did you?" Dr Fenris said to them, looking at the kitsune and true-alpha with a knowing look.

"It's mountain ash, isn't it?" Scott guessed, he and Kira both sensing an invisible restriction in the air around them.

"It's everywhere," replied Dr Fenris, "but heavily concentrated down here."

Stiles looked with narrowing and suspicious eyes at Scott, not liking the idea of going in without them— but Scott just returned the look with a reassuring pursed-lip smile.

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now