[ 50 ] this nightmare is finally over

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                            STILES DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK when his girlfriend finally knocked on the front door to his house, and when he opened it, he found her stood as still as a statue, claw-wounds all over her neck, and her shirt and hands...

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STILES DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK when his girlfriend finally knocked on the front door to his house, and when he opened it, he found her stood as still as a statue, claw-wounds all over her neck, and her shirt and hands covered in dried up blood.

"Oh my God—" he gasped at the sight of her and the state she was in, "Asp— Asp what happened?"

Aspen glanced up, looking her boyfriend in the eye as she swallowed nervously, unable to speak.

"Aspen..." Stiles continued, his voice soft and concerned and filled with worry, "did— did Theo do this? Did he hurt you?"

"He's dead."

Stiles was stunned still. They were still stood in the doorway, the two of them staring into each other's eyes as Aspen's two-word sentence lingered between them.

"What?" Stiles managed to find his voice after a few moments, still confused and in shock.

"Theo— he's dead." Aspen confessed with an unreadable experience. "I killed him."

Stiles' mouth fell open, still in shock as the two didn't break the eye contact they shared. Stiles then looked down at her neck again, observing the indented scars made my claws and the dried up blood smeared all over them. Stiles then looked back up at her eyes, feeling his heart grow heavy for the girl.

"Come inside," he said softly, welcoming her in and closing the door behind her.

He guided the brunette over to the living room, sitting her down on the sofa as he sat beside her. He engulfed her hands with his despite them being covered in dried up blood—he didn't care about that right now.

"Talk me through what happened," Stiles said to her in a very calming voice, trying to stay calm for her sake and his own.

"I was—" she stuttered, staring straight ahead of her, "I was driving. I got onto this really quiet road, um— and I saw this figure of a person come out of nowhere in front of me."

Stiles couldn't stop staring at the claw marks and blood on his brunette's neck, and he had to keep himself from growing with rage as he imagined Theo inflicting them.

"I slammed on the brakes, but when I looked up it was gone." Aspen continued to explain. "I got out of the car, and the next thing I knew Theo was attacking me."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now