[ 16 ] i think we're all a little off

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surprise ! i had a sudden burst of inspiration and motivation to write today so here's a surprise double update !!!


               "SORRY, but I'd never even heard of the Kanima until a few days ago

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               "SORRY, but I'd never even heard of the Kanima until a few days ago." said Theo Raeken, whom had been summoned into the locker room by the McCall boy to talk about the book-of-the-day,  "You want me to read this?" he added as he flicked through the pages of the novel.

"Well, not yet." Scott said to Theo with a shrug, "I'm still only on chapter one."

"Have any of you guys read it yet?" Theo asked, looking up from the printed book pages with raised eyebrows in question.

"Uh, Aspen has..." Scott murmured a little awkwardly, followed by a low chuckle to come from the Raeken boy.

Theo dipped his head once again as his chuckle died down, and then he stared down at the book again, before looking back up at Scott. He then opened his mouth to speak hesitantly, observing the uncomfortable look on the boy's face.

"About Aspen..." Theo began to say apprehensively, before Scott cut him off.

"Don't worry about her," Scott told him, "and don't take her dislike or distrust in you personally. She sort of has some serious trust issues, especially when it comes to letting people into our circle. She'll come around to you though, I'm sure."

Theo feigned a genuine smile, even though on the inside he was smirking instead — smirking at how in the dark all of Aspen's closest friends were about her past.

He was smirking at the fact that the time the two of them shared in New Orleans was like their dirty little secret, and he loved that.

"Does she know you're asking me to help on this?" Theo asked, holding up the book with a shrug of his shoulders.

"No — she doesn't," Scott sighed, "And if it's okay with you, I'd like to keep it that way, at least for a little while. I'm not quite sure what's going on with her right now, it's like ever since the night of Senior Scribe — she's been extra flinchy, she's not sleeping well, and I think if she knew I was coming to you for help it would only make things worse."

Theo had to hide the devious grin he wanted so desperately to let take over his lips in that moment. Aspen had been 'extra flinchy' and 'not sleeping well' ever since the night of the Senior Scribe — or, in other words, the night Theo Raeken returned to Beacon Hills.

It was he who had that affect on her.

"I won't tell her, Scott," Theo nodded, then added with a chuckle, "Mostly because apart for AP Bio, she hardly lets me within a ten feet radius of her."

Scott let out a forced laugh at the exaggerated joke, but he also then dropped his eyeline down to the ground uncomfortably, not liking that he was talking about his best friend behind her back like this.

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