[ 27 ] coming clean

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🎶 coming down — dum dum girls

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🎶 coming down — dum dum girls

                         "HEY, what did you want to talk to me about?" Scott asked Theo as the two of them were on the way to the hospital in the car, after hearing the ambulance sirens at school and watching the medics take Corey away.

"It can wait..." Theo said as though he was trying to be selfless and put Corey's safety first, but in reality— he just knew exactly how to get into Scott's head.

"If something's wrong, you should tell me." Scott said with a hint of desperation, "We've all got to start talking to each other again."

"This might not be the best place to start, Scott." Theo replied with his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes focussed on the road.

"You think I'm going to be angry?" Scott asked.

"Not with me..." Theo said in response, sounding very solemn as his eyes began to slowly well up.

"Theo, you can talk to me." Scott said with genuineness, just wanting to know what had the boy so shaken up and worried over.

Scott watched as Theo took his eyes off the road for a short moment, glancing down at the glove compartment in front of Scott's seat.

Theo feigned some nervousness by swallowing a lump in his throat as he blinked and turned back away from it and back to the road ahead.

"Open the glove compartment." Theo murmured.

Scott's brows furrowed as his eyes also narrowed, questioning why he had to look in the glove compartment of Theo's car to find out what Stiles had done. After a short moment of hesitation, Scott did as Theo said, and opened it.

Inside, he found a wrench. He picked it up and slowly inspecting it, his eyes widening up again at the sight of all the dried blood stained to the tool, as he began to wonder how it got there, and whose blood it was.

"It belonged to Stiles." Theo spoke up, grabbing Scott's attention, "He dropped it at the school..."

"Dropped it— when?" Scott's voice dropped to a much darker and serious tone.

Theo paused, wringing out the moment of silence that filled the car, and then feigned a falling tear as he said:

"When he killed Donovan."

Scott's head immediately turned to his side to look at Theo, his mouth falling open slightly in shock at those four words.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked as though he was in immediate denial, shaking his head and narrowing his eyes.

"You know he hurt his shoulder, right?" said Theo, "You smelled the blood..."

"That was the Jeep—" Scott said, more to himself than to Theo, "He said the Jeep's hood fell on him..."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now