[ 3 ] the doomed vow

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🎶 treacherous (taylor's version)


                 AFTER the Senior Scribe was over, Aspen and Stiles found themselves back in the brunette girl's bed, kissing repeatedly under the covers with smiles on their faces

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AFTER the Senior Scribe was over, Aspen and Stiles found themselves back in the brunette girl's bed, kissing repeatedly under the covers with smiles on their faces. But that would only last so long—as there was a burdening question lingering over Stiles' mind like a cloud of thunder, and Aspen was anticipating the storm any second now. That was—if she chose to do the right thing and come completely clean.

But there was a part of her, a small—devious part in her mind, which kept repeating the same thing on a loop. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? Why drop a bomb like that when she could spare the casualties?

"I really..." Stiles mumbled between kisses, "don't want to ruin the mood, but..."

"But—" Aspen sighed, sliding off of his frame and lying down next to him, "you want to ask me the question that you've been dying to ask me since earlier..."

Stiles turned onto his side, propping up his head on his hand as he rested his elbow on his mattress. The corners of his lips formed a weak smile as he stared into her eyes, and then he reached his hand for hers, holding it delicately, and then flitting his gaze down to look at their intertwined fingers.

"I mean..." he said lowly, his voice soft, unassuming and vulnerable "when your girlfriend runs off to talk to some guy who just suspiciously showed up in town... it raises questions, you know?"

"I get it," Aspen smiled softly back, fiddling with their intertwined fingers between them delicately. "And the truth is that there are some things I have to tell you, I probably should have a long time ago, but I never really thought I'd have to."

"Did something happen between you two?" Stiles asked, his voice still gentle and soft as he looked into her eyes.

For a split second—Aspen hesitated. Her face gave away nothing though, she kept the delicate gaze, then looked down at their intertwined fingers, and then smiled as she looked back up at him and replied, "Nothing like whatever you're thinking..."

Stiles didn't give a verbal reply, simply hanging onto her every word and awaiting further explanation. He couldn't deny that it felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders in that moment though, Aspen knew what kind of question he was asking—and the answer that she gave him brought him relief.

"It was, umm..." she began to explain parts of the story. "It was last year—while I was... away. Deucalion had my brother and I practically covering the entire country with visits to try and recruit more werewolves for his pack—in most cases, we hardly stayed in one place for very long. A day— two days at most."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now