[ part II epilogue ! ]

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          ASPEN AND STILES were on a date this cold, February night. Stiles had insisted he took his girlfriend out to this Italian restaurant, he claimed there was no reason behind it but the envelope he had it in his jacket pocket suggested otherwise.

The couple were sat in a booth in the corner of the restaurant, they would have shared a pizza together but they disagreed heavily on whether to not pineapple belonged on pizza or not. Aspen would die on the hill that it did belong, and Stiles was too stubborn to even try it.

The past month had been good. It hadn't been perfect, it had taken a while for Aspen to get over what happened with Theo the night on the road. She wasn't swallowed up by guilt over it, she knew it was justifiable and an act of self defence for her and her friends. But she'd still killed someone, which wasn't easy to move on from.

But everything had been good for the pack, it was a new year, they were hitting the half way mark of their last year in high school. It was a scary feeling but also an exciting one. Aspen couldn't wait to graduate high school and move away to college.

Which is why it was ironic that she'd been delaying opening her acceptance letters.

"I have to confess," Stiles said to his girlfriend, "this date isn't just for no reason..."

"I knew it!" Aspen replied as her face lit up, "What is it, then, huh? I didn't miss a birthday or our anniversary, right?"

"No," Stiles chuckled, shaking his head, "You didn't."

Aspen put her glass down, her eyes narrowing as she stared at her boyfriend across the table skeptically, trying to figure out what he was up to.

"It's a celebratory dinner," Stiles smiled at her, but she still seemed skeptical.

"And what are we celebrating?" she asked, cocking a brow.

Stiles then let out a sigh as he dug into the inside of his jacket and pulled out an envelopes, addressed to Aspen.

Aspen immediately recognised the envelope, she'd only been staring at it non stop for the past week since it arrived.

"We're celebrating you getting into college," Stiles said, placing the envelope on the table between them.

"You don't know that," Aspen replied, her tone shifting from excitement to nervousness. "What if I didn't?"

"You're never gonna know if you don't open it, Asp." Stiles said, pushing it over to her side of the table.

Aspen looked down at the envelope, a pit of nerves bundling in her stomach as she read the name of the school it came from.

Harvard University.

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