[ 32 ] a science experiment

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       ASPEN had experienced many times in her life where she felt that all hope was lost

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ASPEN had experienced many times in her life where she felt that all hope was lost.

She thought it was hopeless—pining after her best friend for years while he had eyes for another girl.

She thought it was hopeless— thinking she'd ever get back to herself after the nogitsune.

She thought it was hopeless—thinking she could move on after her break up with Stiles last year.

But as she sat, restrained down to the one and only chair in the isolated cell, her skin paling and bruising all over— hopelessness had gained an all new meaning.

She'd been locked up in this cell for nearly two days now, and not a single soul had walked through that door so far. She knew it was coming, part of her imagined Brunski himself revived back from the dead to torture her.

She already knew this place was going to drive her out of her mind. Her mental stability had been rocky lately anyway, even when she wasn't trapped down here—she thought her sanity was constantly on the verge of snapping.

Surrounded by white tile walls and flooring, she was left to live in her head, in her imagination. She hadn't been here that long yet, but she imagined it wouldn't take long until hallucinations began to entertain her.

After all, the same thing happened to her brother.

Aspen began to take in a deep breath, but the air entering her lungs sounded scratchy and hasty. She shut her eyes in fatigue, and as she opened them, she took a moment to glance down at the skin on her arms.

They had dressed her in what appeared like an ordinary hospital gown— short sleeves, itchy, polyester material. Except, it wasn't plain white or plain blue like they were at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital— these were different. The garment was a light shade of grey, with small 'EH' logos imprinted all over it.

She no longer felt like a person, but property.

She gave up on tugging her wrists on the restraints a long time ago, when she realised all it was doing was making her flesh red and sore.

Aspen's eyes were staring straight ahead, lifeless and doll-like— when someone finally opened the door and walked on into her cell.

At the sound of the door finally opening, Aspen's eyes glanced in the direction of the man who had just made his entrance.

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