[ 37 ] a plea for her life

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                   "THERE'S four steps—" said Stiles, standing around the table in the McCall living room, along with Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia and Liam

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"THERE'S four steps—" said Stiles, standing around the table in the McCall living room, along with Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia and Liam. "We get into Eichen, we get into the closed unit, we get Aspen, we get out."

The day before, Stiles had made a phone call. An important one that he knew his girlfriend would've made herself if she was here. And then right on cue, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Malia spoke up in question.

Stiles gave Malia a look as though telling her to wait, and then he walked over to the front door, opening it up.

Derek Hale stood on the porch, dressed in his usual, dark-coloured attire.

"Derek?" Malia spoke up again, "What's Derek doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, cousin." Derek smiled, nodding in Malia's direction as Stiles welcomed him inside and the two walked back over to the table.

"He's here," Scott said, "Because Aspen's not the only one we have to save tonight."

The truth was Derek had waited for this day for quite some time. He knew he'd never be able to get Ace out of Eichen House by himself, but now that everyone was banded together to come up with a plan that should work—Derek actually had hope of seeing his former best friend again.

He had a lot to say to him, he'd been planning it all over in his head on the car ride back to Beacon Hills.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Lydia asked, looking at Scott.

"Well, we have to do all of this while getting past orderlies, guards, electric door locks, and a mountain ash barrier." Scott said, earning looks from the others as if he was crazy.

"You have a plan for all that?" Malia asked doubtfully.

Lydia reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a key card. "Aspen managed to swipe this off an orderly last night."

"But, it's useless, 'cause they reset the codes each night..." Stiles added, not inspiring too much confidence from the others.

"The only way to get Aspen and Ace out of Eichen is to make that key card work again." said Scott, pointing to the keycard Lydia had just placed on the table.

"How are you going to do that?" Liam asked skeptically.

"We're getting to that, okay?" said Stiles, a little impatiently, "Just listen—"

Stiles then turned his laptop around on the table so that everyone else could see the screen, which had some kind of log on it.

"I managed to pull all the history off the key card." Stiles explained, "Two weeks ago, there was a brownout and the security system rebooted. During a reboot, all of the key cards revert back to a default code. So, if we trigger a reboot..."

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now