[ 4 ] welcome back to beacon hills, theo raeken

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                  "SO, you ran a background check on the guy this morning, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Aspen asked as she walked through the carpark of the school beside her boyfriend, with her folders clutched in her arms

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               "SO, you ran a background check on the guy this morning, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Aspen asked as she walked through the carpark of the school beside her boyfriend, with her folders clutched in her arms.

"A speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." Stiles added as though correcting her, sounding extremely distrusting. At least he wasn't alone in that.

"And what exactly does the speeding ticket mean?" Aspen asked Stiles, turning to look at him as they walked side by side.

"Who speeds?" Stiles asked, and when his girlfriend merely furrowed her brows, he added "People trying to get away from something!"

"Stiles, how many tickets do you have?" Aspen asked him, cocking a brow. It wasn't that she thought his mistrust was ridiculous, she just figured if they were to have some concrete proof to keep him out of their lives, it should be better than a few speeding tickets nearly a decade old that weren't even from Theo himself.

"None!" Stiles replied, which technically wasn't a lie.

"Let me rephrase—" Aspen spoke, "how many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them?"

Stiles paused, cringing as the word left his lips, "...sixteen."

"Wrong—it's seventeen." Aspen casual corrected him, as if it was normal that she happened to track her boyfriend's number of speeding tickets.

"Okay—whatever!" Stiles flailed his arms about, making Aspen chuckle a little at his reaction. "My point is—the guy is shady!"

"But over a speeding ticket?" Aspen asked back in response.

"Oh come on—" Stiles said, "don't tell me you're buying into his whole innocent act."

Aspen scoffed, frankly insulted by the insinuation. "Please—" she shook her head, "I trust him less than you do—if that's even possible..."

"Okay, good, that's—that's good..." Stiles murmured in thought, "Scott's gonna trust him right away, I know he will. At least I know you're with me..."

Aspen stopped walking, grabbing his hand softly and making him halt in his steps. Stiles turned his head over his shoulder to look back at her, and before he knew it, Aspen's hands were cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.

When she parted her lips from his, she smiled brightly, staring up into his hazel, honey flecked eyes, and said "I'm always with you."

Stiles' demeanour calmed, his shoulders relaxed as his eyes lit up, and a smile took over his face despite the sigh he let out.

No Judgement , Stiles Stilinski ⁴ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now