[ 48 ] movie night groceries

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                  ASPEN had a rather big smile on her face that evening as she drove over to the local supermarket in Beacon Hills to grab some snacks for her and Stiles' movie night date

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ASPEN had a rather big smile on her face that evening as she drove over to the local supermarket in Beacon Hills to grab some snacks for her and Stiles' movie night date. She took the Jeep instead of her motorcycle, as she left her bike at the McCall house, and she'd spent the whole day at Stiles' place after he took her home from the hospital that morning.

She turned the engine off and grabbed the keys, shoving them in the pocket of her leather jacket, and then hopped out of the car.

Life was back to normal now for the most part, she and Stiles were happy together, slowly working on putting the past in the past, learning to be honest about everything. Scott and Aspen were gradually making their way back to the relationship they had before everything went down too.

Aspen waltzed through the carpark and into the store. It was fairly quiet, not that many cars or vehicles occupying the parking lot. The brunette walked through the automatic doors, ad headed over to the small supply of trolleys and grabbing one.

She headed over to the snacks isle, and grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialled her boyfriend. It rung four or five times before he picked up, his voice coming through the speaker of her phone and into her ear.

"Hey," said the Stilinski boy, "How's the shopping going?"

"I just got to the store," Aspen said into her phone as she slowly walked through one of the isles. "The Jeep was going prettyyyyy slow."

"The Jeep always goes pretty slow," Stiles chuckled in reply.

"Good point," Aspen laughed lightly, "anyway, I'm in the store now, I was wondering which popcorn you prefer, sweet, salty, or a mix of both?"

"Well I know you prefer sweet, so just grab a few bags of that." Stiles replied, making her smile and blush slightly even though he couldn't see.

"I know I like sweet popcorn, but do you like sweet popcorn?" Aspen chuckled, approaching the popcorn section and scanning all the bags and flavours.

"I honestly don't mind," Stiles replied genuinely.

"Okay, sweet it is." Aspen shrugged, reaching her arm up to one of the higher shelves and grabbing a couple bags of sweet-flavoured popcorn.

"Oh, also—" Stiles spoke up through the phone, "I know tonight was sort of a date, but I mentioned to Scott we were watching the new Iron Man movie and he said he'd kill us if we watched it without him. Do you mind if he crashes the evening?"

"Of course not," Aspen smiled, pleased to have Scott join them. "Does that mean I should grab an extra bag of popcorn?"

"Knock yourself out," Stiles chuckled, as Aspen shrugged and grabbed a third bag.

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