┊II┊The Arrival┊1┊

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The chirping of birds rang throughout the air as a destroyer lay in the grassy fields under a blank sky. Groaning as he then slowly opened his eyesockets, all he was met was white. staring ahead, he couldn't help but remember what he was doing, or where he even is. Confusion settled in as he then slowly pushed himself up, he tried to recall the events that led him to landing here, but he can't, for the life of him, remember.

Staring ahead, he then noticed that everywhere was also white, everywhere except the place he was laying down, which was just a grassy field. Confusion was then the emotion that settled in him as he then slowly moved to touch the white void, but the patch of grass somehow moved and covered the hand that attempted to touch the white barren wasteland.

Surprise then overtook him as he then quickly stood up, stumbling back a bit as a dull aching pain then made it's presence known on his legs, looking down, his eyesockets widened in horror and surprise when he saw there was blood in the spot he was in. Slowly stumbling away, more blood seems to follow him, dripping down on the grassy floor, he also took notice that when he got too far from his spot, the grass then dissolved and melted back into the white VOID, as well as the blood somehow. He mostly just wonders why he's not feeling any pain really, despite how heavy his bleeding is.

Moving on, he then looked around for any signs or any way out when he noticed a pretty letter floating in the air, with a tiny pair of wings flapping, keeping it afloat. The destroyer then made his way towards the letter, carefully taking it and watching in surprise as the letter dissolved. He then shook his skull and glanced back at the letter, noticing how he has multicolored phalanges, he doesn't know why, but he felt that it wasn't the slightest bit of normal.

He shook his skull at that and then worked on opening the envelope, carefully tearing the heart stamp seal off and opening it. Taking the letter, he then stared at the blurry mass of black blobs, narrowing his eyesockets, he then subconsciously moved his hand into his pockets and blinking when he felt something, pulling it out, it was a pair of glasses. He then carefully puts it on, to his surprise, it just stayed there, without needing some kind of tape to keep it on. He wonders how that is, but figured it must be just magic.

Though he couldn't help but feel like the hearts and little bead designs on the left side of his glasses wasn't there before, but eh, his memory was wack so he doesn't know. He then glanced at the clearer note and began to read.

"Dear Error,

Yes, your name is Error, if you don't remember it anyways. You are in what's called the Creationist's VOID, it is your safe place, an area where you can stay and recollect if anything else gets overwhelming. It is also a place where you can practice your magic if you do not wish for others to see your ability.

You have amnesia as of now, as what had happened to you, stripped your very codes down to nothing and recreating it again. Thus, some of your old wounds having opened up, and some codes you didn't have, now being there again, making more chaos in your body than how it was before.

Fear not, however, for it is not a danger to you, nor will should it hinder your healing. You may be confused now, but you will understand in due time. If you to leave the VOID, simple outstretch your hand and think of making a portal. Since you have amnesia, please do keep in mind that you will land in someplace random, as you don't know the place anymore.

Speaking of magic, yours consists of strings that can destroy or fix codes, so be careful with it. You can also summon a weapon of your liking to aid you in battle, and have the ability to summon bones and what's called a Gaster Blaster to aid you as well.

But your main weapon is strings, to which you can change and bend to your will however and whenever you want. Use what you will with this information.

That is all I wish to say to you, have a safe journey, and I wish you goodluck. Find Nightmare or Dream, they can help.

Signed, Love"

"Love...?" Error couldn't help but ask in confusion, who's Love? Did he know his person named Love? He doesn't know, he doesn't remember... Hissing a bit as he carefully touched his skull, a headache then shot through him and he couldn't help but grumble about it. Ah, that's definitely gonna be annoying if it's gonna be an everyday occurence.

He then glanced at the letter before putting it back in the envelope, he was gonna let it drop, but the envelope itself didn't allow and just grew wings again, going back to hovering in the air. He blinked before just shrugging. Remembering what the note had said, he then outstretched his multicolored hands and summoned a portal. Watching in awe at the burst of colors, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia with the portal opening however.

Slowly stepping into the portal, he then watched as it closed behind him. Looking up, he then saw a lot of trees, it was everywhere. He doesn't know how he remembered that it was trees though, but he just does. Flinching a bit when he heard the sound of crunching as he walked, he then glanced down and saw more white, but it was a comforting color of white... Snow, he was somewhere snowy, looking up, it seems to be... Winter? If he remembered correctly? As there was snow falling from the sky, reaching a hand out, a little snow flake dropped on his hand.

Carefully holding it close to his glasses, he then examined the snowflake in great detail and awe, it was pretty, that was for sure. Letting the snowflake drop to the ground, he then continued to walk. The cold numbness of the white path he walked in wasn't paid attention to, for it was actually nice against his bleeding bones, ignoring the blood trail he was leaving behind, he continued on.

This winter wonderland was pretty, he concluded as he then came to a clearing, there was a cliff right in front of him, but he can see a huge... Town? City? Village? Kingdom? In the distance. He doesn't know how to call it, but it was huge... There was three of it too actually, one was just way further than the first two, who seems to be on opposite sides.

Find Nightmare or Dream.

He remembered the words of the letter, and couldn't help but relate those names with the two areas in front of him. Sitting down on the cold, snowy land with his legs dangling down, he noticed that the furthest kingdom doesn't have snow on it's premises, perhaps it wasn't reachable. But Error couldn't care less, the scenery was beautiful.

Maybe he could enjoy this for now before he searches for one of the two names.

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And another chapter done! :D

I tried to get creative with my writing, I really do :')

Feels hella rushed though, oof

Hope y'all enjoyed it nonetheless! <3

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