┊XL┊Court Entry┊5┊

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"You know, I worry for you." Peril spoke as he walked down the corridors with Error, hands behind his back. "Why?" Error asked in confusion, glancing at Peril as he was currently reading off of the clipboard for some tasks that he was given. Since he was mostly done with the rest already, all that's left is the last minute training for the day... Which he dreads, he hates fightinging against Silver, he might accidentally do more harm than good!

"I've walked in on your training with Silver more than once and like... You only just keep blocking him rather than fighting back. Like, listen. I don't want to be rude to you, but you need to up your fighting skills, they're shittier than when you fought me when you were cornered and those guys for your scarf." Peril spoke and Error blinked. "I mean... That's true." Error couldn't deny that, even he knew it. But it's not like he can do anything to stop it, as he doesn't like to fight Silver.

He doesn't like fighting anyone he knows for that matter, he could severely hurt them or- or maybe even kill them by accident! "Is there a particular reason why?" Peril softly asked and Error fidgeted a bit. "Well... I just... Don't want to hurt Silver..." Error muttered. "Huh... Why's that? I don't think you'll even hurt him on purpose." Peril commented and Error just fidgeted more. "Error... Is this literally your only reason why you don't wanna fight Silver?" Error nodded as they then stopped in front of the training room for Silver. "Christ, Error, you shouldn't feel scared about training with Silver. That's the whole point of training with him after all." Peril explained, making Error turn to him and Error just glanced at the door nervously.

"But... I just... I don't want to accidentally knock Silver unconscious like I did with you..." Error mumbled. "Then don't." "It's- It's not that easy!" Error frowned, Peril blinked before sighing a bit. "Look, Error, you really need to stop being a pussy and man up." Peril spoke and Error blinked. "Wha..." "If you can't even try to hit Silver, then what would happen if you got into an actual fight and you're fighting with Silver?" Peril asked seriously and Error blinked. "Umm..." "You'd freak and then not end up fighting at all! Because you'd be too afraid that you'll accidentally hit Silver." Peril frowned. "Listen, if you can't even fucking fight Silver back and train with him, then you're just gonna end up being useless because of your fears dragging you down." Peril spoke and then pushed the door open.

"I know you're scared, it's fuckin' obvious now, but how are you even gonna be a higher up rank and overcome your fears when you can't even fucking hit Silver?" Peril asked and Error just looked down, rubbing his arm. Peril was right though, if he really wants to put effort. Then he has to... But...

"I just... Don't want to hurt any of you..." Error mumbled as they walked inside and Peril scowled. "None of that bullshit Error. We're not weak. That's you for not even trying to know how to control your power." Peril spoke. "If this keeps up, you won't be able to even protect yourself, thus, not being able to protect the Empire." Peril spoke seriously and Error looked away. "Listen, Error, you shouldn't let your fear get ahold of you. You're powerful, you're amazing. Don't let that little fear hold you back." Peril spoke softly and Error bit his bottom lip before slowly nodding. "I'll... I'll try." Error murmured and Peril nodded. "Good." Peril then glanced forwards, seeing that Silver has been waiting for them. "Oh hey Silver!" "You done giving Error a motivational speech?" Silver asked, cracking his knuckles. "Yep!" "Lets hope you actually make an improvement this time." Silver frowned before he then. Went to his side of the room, Error just slowly going to his side as well. The two positioning themselves and readying their fight.

Error then glanced down at his pose, it being a more guarded pause. He then took a deep, shaky breath before letting it out and relaxing his pose, adjusting it so that he's in an actual fighting pose. It'll be okay, it'll be fine. "I... I'm sorry if- i-if I ever hurt you..." Error mumbled and Silver shook his skull. "Don't be, midget. You shouldn't feel sorry for training with me. It's part of it." Silver spoke and Error nodded. "Alright! Starting... Go!" Silver then made the first move, moving to punch Error, only for him to quickly dodge, he then swung again only for Error to jump back.

"Fight back Error! Fight back!" Peril yelled and Error shuts his eyesocket, okay okay, focus, don't hit too hard, but not too soft either. Control your strength Error.

Dodging to the side while keeping his eyesockets close, he then made his move, punching Silver straight in face, the shock of Error actually and finally making a punch made Silver stumble back a bit, before a grin stretched across his face. "Now we're talking." Error then peeked with an eye open and meeped as he quickly dodged an attack. "Yoooo! Go Error!" Peril screamed while Error just glanced at Silver. "S-Sorry!" "Don't be, you finally fought back!" Silver grinned as he then kicked Error back, only for him to do a back flip.

"I..." Error was mostly surprised, Silver doesn't look mad, he looked... Happy? No no not that... Prideful? He honestly doesn't understand, but all he cares about right now is the fact that he didn't knock Silver out. Maybe... Maybe he can actually train properly now... Error simply gave a sheepish smile before they resumed. Silver feeling more excitement now that Error's actually fighting back. And damn, he fights good.

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*Dies in not being able to post in three days*

I'm sorry :')

I had no motivation during those days dhdhfjfkfkfkf

Hope you guys enjoyed though, this was poorly developed cuz I didn't know how to really work with this rhdhdj

So yeah-


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