┊LIII┊Rise of Destruction┊1┊

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"Thank you for helping with the clean up, Error." Comet chirped while Error nodded. "It's no problem." Error hummed lightly, setting the last plate into the seemingly infinite storage of the picnic basket. "This experience was fun." Error chirped lightly as Azure closed the basket. "Well, at least you enjoyed it." Azure spoke and Error smiled at him before getting up.

"Well, I should get going soon, the court might end up looking for me if I'm out for too long." Error stretched lightly and Dream tilted his skull. "Really?" Error nodded, smiling lightly. "They seem to worry whenever I go to other AUs for some reason." Error explained and a look of realization flashed on some of their faces.

"I see... With the current problem in this Multiverse, I'm not that surprised anymore." Dream sighed softly and Error tilted his skull. "Current problem?" Error couldn't help but ask. Something about the peculiarity of the situation is making Error curious.

"You're unaware of it?" Dream asked in confusion and concern. "Maybe Error's not in the known yet because of his rank? Error, how high are you in the court right now?" Comet asked curiously and Error hummed in thought.

"Well... I'm still currently in training? Though, my circumstance is more special according to Silver as despite me being a trainee, my status is similar to a core court member because of how Peril is close to me." Error explained and Wisteria and Rose blinked in surprise.

"You're close with Peril?" Wisteria couldn't help his curiosity and Error nodded lightly, smiling a bit. "I've actually been staying in his room for a while now. Lord Nightmare said that until I gain a core court position, it'll be where I reside. So I guess we are much closer somehow?" Error shrugged while Rose giggled lightly, causing Error to look at him in confusion.

"Darling, I'm quite sure that Peril wouldn't even think of letting just anyone room with you." Rose smiled lightly. "After all, Peril actually quite dislikes a lot of people, so even rooming with him is impossible. He simply just likes you quite a lot." Rose explained and Error blinked.

"Is that so?" Error mumbled in thought and Wisteria nodded. "I can confirm that as someone who used to stay in Peril's room sometimes. Peril chooses who he comes close with, and you staying in his room proves that he likes you a lot." Wisteria smiled and Error thought for a moment. "I see..." Error couldn't stop the bright smile that bloomed his face.

"Wow, how does it feel to be so close to pretty much the second in command in the entire Empire?" Prism asked curiously, a small rainbow blush on his face while grinning at Error.

"Second in command?"

"Yes. Peril is actually the second in command when it comes to a lot of decisions in the court, as he's the one who Nightmare often takes whenever we have our half a decade meeting." Dream informed and Error hummed.

"Well... I don't really know how to feel about it..?" Error mumbled in thought. "Although I'm surprised, him being able to call Lord Nightmare, Boss, should've gave it away." Error then glanced up at the others, watching how Azure walked towards them after he finished folding the blanket and informing someone about something. "Your Majesty, I had called Synth and he had said that he might end up late." Azure spoke and Dream nodded.

"Alright, I guess he can have more fun." Dram chuckled lightly and Error then glanced out at the scenery. Ah, he wishes he could take a picture of this... Or maybe something like that phone device's features? Uhh...

What was it called again? A Screenshot?


Error suddenly flinched in shock at the loud click that he heard, looking around in surprise, he noticed how none of the others seem to even heard it, and Prism, who was intently watching him earlier and Azure, who was looking at him, seem to have noticed his flinch.

"Something the matter, Error?" Prism asked in confusion, finding Error's sudden flinching odd. "Uhh... Did you hear that?" Error softly asked and Azure frowned a bit. "Hear what?" Azure asked, quickly looking around for any concerns just in case.

Error was silent for a moment before thinking, 'was I just imagining it? No, I was sure I heard a click when I thought of a screenshot-'


Oh. There it was again, and it, once more, invoked no reactions from those he's with.

"Error?" Prism asked, growing a bit concerned and Error shook his skull. "It's nothing, I might've heard an animal. My hearing is a bit sensitive." Error sheepishly smiled and Prism perked up. "Oh! Alright!" Prism chirped while Azure glanced at Error once more, staring for a moment.

'More sensitive than mine...?' It couldn't help but make Azure quite curious now. Could this skeleton be much stronger than him? That might not be the case, as only Prism, His Majesty, Lord Nightmare and Cross are much stronger than him physically.

'But we don't know his strength.' Azure countered his own thought process, noticing that Error caught him staring, he then turned away towards his Lord and opened his mouth, "Your Majesty, we can leave the area now by the way." Azure spoke and Dream gasped. "Oh! Right." Dream chuckled.

He then reached his hand out and a staff was summoned into his hand, to which he waved in a circular motion. A portal then appeared that seems to go directly to the castle. "C'mon." Dream hummed and entered, the other court members entering after as well.

"Error, will you enter with us?" Wisteria couldn't help but ask the black skeleton, who shook his skull. "Oh no it's alright! I have to go to the market." Error sheepishly smiled and Wisteria blinked. "Will you be fine? Your haphephobia..."

"I'll be okay Wisteria. I found a market AU that doesn't crowd as much, yet still sell high quality items." Error smiled. "Ohh~ Text me where it is Darling~! I'd love to come check it out." Rose suddenly spoke up from the portal and Error nodded. "Text it to me as well." Wisteria smiled, entering the portal as he waved towards Error.

"Don't worry, I will!" Error chirped, waving goodbye as well. "I had a fun time, hopefully we'll get to know you more again, Error." Dream said softly and Error nods. "I had fun too, Lord Dream." Error smiled before watching as the portal closed.

Error then sighed a bit before he then rubbed the back of his skull a bit, ignoring the fact that he has less scars now as he looked out the terrain.

"Screenshot." He spoke, and another click resounded. Error then frowned lightly before he then snapped his fingers. "This is definitely related to my abilities." Error mumbled, watching as the area in front of him glitched before opening a white void with a single patch of grass.

Error then stepped inside the area, a patch of grass appearing underneath him as the patch of grass from earlier disappeared. He then closed the portal before stretching, a small smiling appearing on his face.

"I'm one step closer to figuring out my magic, thank you, Sun court." Error hummed softly. Now, if only he can figure out how to access the screenshots- click- that he saved. Also somehow turn off the auto feature.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -




* Anyways, Error discovered the screenshot feature of his technical abilities lmaoo. Ngl I had no idea how to finish this picnic arc and was thinking of skipping but then I said fuck it and winged it lmao

* Anyways, next chapter will get quite interesting~ Stay tuned for that uwu

* Paalam <3

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