┊XX┊The Sun Empire┊4┊

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"Hey y'all." Error then looks up in surprise at the new voice, seeing Prism peeking his skull in. "Dinner's ready now, just came in to tell you three." "Thank you Prism." Prism just gave the ok hand at Wisteria before glancing at Error, who blinked and quickly looked away, Wisteria just raising a brow at how Prism's eyelights changed from a star and a blue circle to a pink question and a yellow exclamation point.

"Oh... Is this normal?" Error couldn't help but ask and Wisteria nodded. "Yep, definitely normal." "Even back at our castle, it's normal." Peril snickered a bit as he and Wisteria got up. "Now come on! We should get to the dining hall so you can eat something." Peril spoke and Error nervously went after Peril. "I... Might not be able to eat anything this time..." "Oh... Right. Do you remember the last time you ate before we found ya?" Peril asked and Error squinted a bit. "... No..." "Dangit. Ah well, maybe some soup could help?" "No don't think it will..." Error muttered as he, Wisteria and Peril walked behind Prism, who was leading the way. "Ah well... Too much food for ya would probably not help, you'll probably end up vomitting again." Peril said as he placed his hands behind his head.

"Again?" "Error can't take healing magic... Dunno why, he would just vomit it out." Peril then turned to the concerned Wisteria. "Stars... Error, are you sure you're really okay? It's quite abnormal to vomit out healing magic of all things." Wisteria spoke in worry and Error slowly shrugged. "Dunno... I don't remember anything so..." "In all honesty, from my understanding of medical knowledge, having that reaction to healing and even having haphephobia of all things meant that something bad happened to you in the past." Prism then butted in, turning around and pretty much walking backwards now, Error blinking at that. Huh.

"I see..." "That's true though, Haphephobia isn't a phobia that just... Suddenly manifests." Wisteria spoke and Error slowly nodded when Peril clapped his hands. "Well now, regarding the confusion of his phobia or not, we should not delve into the matters right now, we might make Error uncomfortable." Peril said with surprising seriousness that it made Prism blink in shock. That was honestly a surprise to him. Wisteria seems also surprised too while Error just tilted his skull, but smiling sheepishly. "Thanks..." "No problem... Now, food time!" Peril cheered, his emotion quickly switching back to normal and Error couldn't help but giggle a bit. Prism quickly turning away when an orange heart appeared on one of his eyelights.


"Ah, glad you two could make it." Dream smiled once he noticed two of his guests enter and Error bowed a bit as a greeting, Peril doing so as well before walking towards the table, Error quickly following after. "You two may sit besides Wisteria, especially since I know you two are close." Dream spoke, gesturing to the seat besides the spot where Wisteria sat. "Thank you M'Lord!" Peril chirped. "Thank you..." Error softly spoke, sheepishly smiling and Dream nodded.

"Oh! M'lord! If I may?" Peril trailed of, waiting for Dream first before he gestured Peril to continue. "Can Error not have food for tonight? He's eaten enough and we think that he might puke if he ate anymore. None of us were able to tell how long he has not eaten when we checked since his stats were hella glitched, and his bones don't really show signs of malnutrition despite the possibility of having one." Peril spoke and Dream couldn't help but feel even more concern for the black boned skeleton. "I see... If that's the case, then should water suffice?" "I don't know..." Error muttered softly and Dream nodded in concern. "How much have you eaten today, Error?" Dream couldn't help but ask. "Uhm... I... Ate Crimson's...?" Error glanced at Peril for confirmation, who then grinned widely and nodded.

"Yeah, I ate... Some of his food... Mostly the chocolate though." Error thought for a bit before turning to Peril. "That was chocolate right?" "Yep." "Ah." Error nodded and glanced back at Dream. "I see..." "We also had chocolate chip cookies when I was being healed." Peril spoke. "Speaking of healing, does your skull not hurt anymore?" Dream softly asked and Peril shook his skull before showing Dream. "Wisteria closed off the crack." "I see... That's good then, but if you'd like, I'll have Synth check for any other possible symptoms?" Dream offered and Peril waved his hands. "Oh, no thanks! I'll be fine. Getting thrown is not really the worst that happened to me." Peril snickered and Dream slowly nodded.

Error couldn't help but feel that that was meant to be a normal occurence... Which concerns him, because getting thrown all the time would have serious damage! Then again, they have healers but still... He doesn't even know why he's feeling that agitated honestly, it's not like he's been through worse. The cracks he has could probably just be battles or simple scars. He doesn't know, or remember, but still.

Error just quietly scratched at his bandaged wounds in thought, as it was starting to get a bit itchy before glancing up and noticing that there was a new person in the room. Actually, two. Azure and the skeleton he saw earlier... And Prism seems to be talking, oh, he must've zoned out. "... Could be chocolates?" "Seems plausible... Error?" "Huh?" Error quickly turned his attention to Dream. "Do you think you'll be able to eat chocolate? Or even a little bit?" Dream couldn't help but ask and Error blinked.

Yeah... The sound of chocolate doesn't seem revolting. He nodded. "Alright, chocolate for Error then... Let him have the dessert already, as unhealthy as it is..." Dream couldn't help but mutter the last part to himself, but Error was surprised at himself that he still managed to hear it. "Alright your highness." Error blinked when he saw that there was another staff, who had then went to the kitchen. Jeez, just how many people are there? Error then glanced back at the two new people, seeing that Azure has sat himself besides Dream and Azure. Wisteria was next to Dream, then it was Peril and then him, the unknown skeleton that he still doesn't know the name of was sitting right across him now, besides Prism. There was three more empty seats for some reason.

Also, was Dream's chair always that big...? Is that a norm for royalty? He doesn't know honestly, but it was pretty cool. He couldn't help but think that there's at least something missing however... Probably because the three seats besides Error and the unknown skeleton was empty... Does anyone even sit in them? He doesn't know, and he doubts he wants to know.

Error then glanced back at Peril, who then glanced at him and placing his elbow on the table, putting his cheek on his hand. "Don't be nervous Error, you'll be fine." Error then blushed a bit and sheepishly smiled, ducking his skull into his turtleneck. Unaware of the two blushing faces of those that sat across him, and the one besides him.

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Heheheheheh :)

I don't really have much to say other than this-

Have their seating arrangements quickly done cuz I couldn't be assed


The unknown skele is Rose

Hope y'all liked this chappie! Adios! :)

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