┊XXIV┊The Sun Empire┊8┊

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Waking up to the chirping sounds of the birds out the window, Peril yawned as he then wiped his eyesockets a bit, a soft groan escaping him afterwards.

Feeling shifting on his lap, he quickly blinked in surprise and glanced down, seeing that Error was looking up at him. Yesterday's events flashed into his mind and he relaxed. Oh right, he and Error slept in the Sun Empire. "Morning Error." Peril muttered and Erroe grinned a bit. "Morning! Had a nice nap?" "Surprisingly... Yeah." Peril yawned as he then slowly stretched, Error then got off of Peril's lap to let Peril stretch, and also stretched as well.

"So, looks like we're gonna explore the entirety of Sun Empire today! You ready?" Peril glanced at Error. "I thought it was only the important spots...?" "Yep. Did you actually think I meant the entire empire?" Peril snickered and Error blinked before slowly blushing. "M-Maybe?" Error sheepishly said and Peril couldn't help but snicker a bit at that before getting up. "Ah, we should get ready then. Take a bath then get dressed." Peril spoke, glancing behind himself to see Error looking at him in confusion. "... Do you also not know how to bathe yourself?"

"I- I don't think I've ever bathed before in all honesty..." Error mumbled softly. "I can briefly... Er... Feel water but... I have a huge feeling that I don't use this bath water." Error spoke and Peril took a deep breath in, then out. "I swear if you're telling me that you clean yourself by jumping into lakes, I swear to fucking God." Peril couldn't help but mumble to himself as he then reached out to grab Error before stopping and glancing at him for permission. Error stared at Peril's hand for a bit before slowly holding his hand before looking up at Peril with a bright smile at the lack of glitching.

"You're illegally cute, you know that?" "I don't know what that means." "Figured as much." Peril then dragged Error to the bathroom.


"Is that not normal?" Error asked as Peril wiped him carefully with the fluffy towel, after making a thorough check that Error's glitches doesn't act up on the fabric anyways. "No Error, bathing with anyone else in the room is not normal, and you should never do it unless you absolutely know them." Peril spoke. "But you helped me bathe though?"

"Mostly cuz I have no romantic interest in you, you'd probably be too dumb to know what to do with the soap, I had to also make sure your wounds are cleaned and help you scrub- and because you told me yourself that I'm the only person you currently trust at the moment." Peril explained before standing up. "Sure we're skeletons, but even naked skeletons are something that not a lot would like to see, also dignity, remember to keep it." Peril tapped Error's skull, making him whine a bit.

"Okay okay! ... Though I still don't see the reason for this dignity thing." Error huffed as he then threw the towel off him and crossing his arms with a pout. "Wh- Error! Put that back on!" "You can't make me!" "Error! I swear!"


"You're a handful, and I've only met you just yesterday." Peril commented as he then finished putting on his clothes. "Nice of the servants to wash our clothes during the night." Peril hummed, glancing at Error who was currently just swishing hid coat side to side and giggling. "True." "Anyways, c'mon, lets go to Lord Dream so we'll know who'll accompany us." "Can it not be Wisteria?" Error glanced at Peril, who shook his skull. "No Error, Wisteria might be busy today, now come on." Peril then lent a hand out and Error stared at it again, carefully touching it before pulling back when his hand glitched. "Alright, hold on to my jacket then." Peril stuffed his hands into his pockets and Error clung to Peril. The two then left the room and went towards Lord Dream's room.

Upon arriving at the door, he glanced at Error again and raised a brow, seeing that he was, once again, admiring the walls. At this rate he'll probably choose the damn Sun Empire just for the white and gold decor.


Why does he hate the fact that he could choose the Sun Empire, he shouldn't even care!

Ah damn it, is he actually getting attached to the little gremlin?

"Peril, is something wrong?" Error glanced at Peril in confusion, who blinked a bit.

Ah god fucking damn it.

"Nah nah, let's go." Peril shook his skull and then knocked on the door. "Come in!" Peril then wasted no time entering, seeing that there's four skeletons positioned besides Dream right now. "Your highness." Peril bowed a bit and Error quickly copied Peril, both straightening themselves up while Dream just waved his hand a bit. "You two will be exploring the Sun Empire now, correct?" Dream softly asked and Peril nodded. "Yep." Error looked around for Wisteria, and couldn't help but feel disappointed when he didn't see the skeleton. Ah dang it...

"Your highness, is he... The one who fell?" Error glanced to the side and noticed a new skeleton that he hasn't seen yet, adorning a white lab coat and a belt full of potions, along with two bags on each side as well. He wore a light green shirt and brown pants underneath with brown boots. "Yes Synth, that's him." The guard skeleton that Error remembered as Azure, spoke. Synth just blinked in surprise. "How... That's- that's not even scientifically possible- he shouldn't even be awake and walking!" Synth whisper-yelled, but couldn't help the excitement that coursed through him. "Before you try to touch him, don't. I will not hesitate to snap your diddly darn neck if you do." Peril deadpanned and Synth blinked. "Wh-" "He has Haphephobia and Peril's quite protectiveee~" Prism cooed and Peril glared at him. "Shut." Peril growled and Prism just giggled a bit. "Your highness! I would like to volunteer on touring them!" Prism cheered excitedly and Error blinked. "What-"

"Are you sure, Prism?" Dream asked in surprise when the skeleton that Error still doesn't know the name of stepped as well. "If you don't mind, my Darling Lord, I'd like to come join as well." The skeleton smiled, glancing at Prism who's smile seemed to tighten a bit at that, eyelights now a red crosshair and a purple triangle. "Hmm... I don't see why not." Dream mumbled while Peril blinked. "But- ah damn it." Peril grumbled under his breath, there's no use getting out of this, unfortunately.

Ahh hell, he's going with simps. Damn.

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Aaaand it's done! :D

Poor Peril, let's pray for Peril and Error xD

I rushed this a bit so I do apologize, and wanted to include a tiny bit of crack regarding Error's problem with dignity so yeah xD

Expect more crack in the future <3

Hope y'all liked it! Sayounara!

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