┊XIV┊The Neutral Ground┊4┊

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"Anyways, we should get out of the crowd first so we can actually find where a nearby teleporter is." Peril spoke and Error nodded, Peril then carefully lead Error to a nearby alleyway and Error was quick to lose his nervousness already at the lack of crowds. Error sighed softly. "Alright, I'm quite familiar with the alleyways so this should be a good way to get to a teleporter." Peril hummed and Error slowly nodded.

"Okay..." Error said softly and then looked around curiously as they walked through the alleyway. "It's a smaller space than... Everywhere..." Error couldn't help but comment and Peril nodded. "Yep. That's how Alleyways are usually are. Some alleyways also has deadends." Peril spoke as he then walked towards a poster that's on an alleyway. "Ight, this is the one with the two way." Peril spoke softly and Error slowly nodded. "Alleyways can have two ways?" "Some even can be a whole ass maze." Peril snickered. "It differs on how each building is built in all honesty. So if you have a good memory like me, then you'll be able to recognize which alleyway you're in eventually." Peril spoke before glancing at Error. "Do you think you had a good memory before your amnesia?" "I... Probably did...? I- I dunno... But my movement memory thing is... Good." Error blinked and Peril nudded. "I see." Peril couldn't help but grin at Error.

"Oh damn, didn't think we'd see the famous Moon Empire's designer here." Peril then stopped when he saw two monsters in his path, Error blinking as he stopped as well, glancing at Peril in confusion, does he know them. "Excuse me, but who are you exactly?" Ah, so he doesn't... Error then slowly lets go of his grip on Peril's shirt.

"Oh, he can talk." Error examined the two monsters, one was some kind of cat monster, and the other, a bunny, both males from the looks of it. "Well yeah I can talk, anything I can help you two with?" Peril asked, stuffing his hands into his pants pockets, his grin seemingly tightening. Error can sense tensions rising and he does not like it one bit. "Well, we didn't expect to run into the famous Peril here in the alleyway of all people so..." Error then tensed up and quickly turned around, seeing three more people, how did he not see them?! Peril just looked behind his shoulder and looked at the guys up and down. Another cat monster, an alligator-human mix, and some kind of wolf-bird mix. So many cats though. The mix hybrids were also the only girls in the group too.

"Just give us your belongings and no one gets hurt really." The alligator-human mix huffed and Peril lets out a small 'tsk'. "Ya know, I would've given it if y'all asked nicely... But don't you think that mugging me is something that none of you should even do?" Peril asked and The wolf-bird mix then flicked out a knife. Error thought that it looked like shit, he's seen better knives... Actually no he doesn't, but he feels like he has. "P-Peril...?" Error whispered quietly as he then looked behind him, to see that Peril has faced back to front. "Stay behind me Error." Peril whispered softly and Error slowly nodded.

"You seem to be protective of your friend there." The cat monster purred and Peril then narrowed his eyesockets a bit. "Why yes I am, I am his escort after all. Order from the Moon Highness himself. So I suggest you five back away before things get really ugly." Peril chirped and the bunny monster rolled his eyes. "Like hell we would, you being here is an opportunity that we won't pass up. We'll make sure you give us the money." The bunny monster snickered.

"Trust me you little prick, you wouldn't dare try to fight me. So kindly scooch your tiny nonexistent ass out of my way and let me and the person I'm escorting alone and nothing bad would happen." Peril then waved his hands lightly. "How about... No. Boys, grab his friend." The cat monster snapped his fingers and Error panicked. "W-Wai-Wait-!" "He looks quite promising huh? We could probably sell them both for millions of coins." The cat monster snickered while Peril quickly moved in front of Error and summoned his knife, slicing his knife cleanly through one of the advancers, who just screamed in shock and stepped back, touching their bleeding chest. "I warned you all." Peril then threw his knife in the air and catching it. "Ew, now my knife is all bloody." "Wh- You prick! GET THEM!" Peril then turned to Error. "Run." Error shakily nodded and quickly dashed off.

"After him! And you two, kill off this bastard!" The cat monster yelled before he, the bleeding alligator hybrid and the bunny monster ran after Error. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! RUNNING IS POINTLESS!" They yelled. "Shit, how the hell does he run so fast?!" Error just tried to keep running as fast as possible while trying his best not to- oh wait he already did.

Stumbling and tripping from his running, he then quickly got up again and continued to run, unaware of the fact that his wounds began to bleed again, and heavily too. He might've broken off his bones honestly. How he still can run, he doesn't know, but he's stumbling an awful lot now which sucks.

Error then turned around a corner and gasped when he saw a lone brick wall, a dead end. Dammit! He then began to panic more as he then clung to his coat. "YOU PRICK! THERE YOU ARE!" Error then cried out in shock when the pain of his codes reacting badly surged to his shoulder, instinct taking over him as he grabbed the hand that took hold of him and turned around, dipping the hand down and breaking the shoulder of whoever was unlucky enough, as if that was bad enough, Error then threw his feet up and kicked whoever held him harshly, a sickening crack sounded out and Error dropped whatever person he was holding then turning around, he can barely see anything too, not only is his vision shit, but black ERROR signs was taking over his vision as he tried to calm the pain on his shoulder.

"VELCRO! YOU PRICK!" Error then saw a blur heading towards his way and once again, instinct took over him and he grabbed the person, a shining item in their grasps. Error then broke their arm and then twisting his body, throwing the person to wherever and hearing a crack sounding out again, he doesn't even know what those cracks were meant to suggest, but they do sound bad. Error then heard one person shaking, their whimpering was clear in his hearing despite it actually being quiet, he then turned around to look at whoever's making the sound, only to hear a noisy 'squelch', then a bunch of metal items colliding afterwards, were they thrown in the trash?

"Holy shit dude." Error then froze up when he heard Peril's voice. "P-Per-Peri-Il?" Error stuttered out, glitching heavily. "Yeah, hey, it's me. You're okay Error, you're gonna be-" Error froze up when he felt a gentle touch on his arm, he then immediately grabbed the person and flipped them over, the sound of body hitting bricks was heard and Error no longer hears Peril. "P-Pe-eRiL...?" Error whispered, shakily looking around as his ERROR signs begins clearing up. Once he did though, he glanced at the scene in front of him and gave an audible gasp.

((If you can't handle gore, I'll tell you when you're able to look again!))

The first thing he saw was the body of the bunny hybrid, hand broken beyond repair and the head almost falling off the body, kind of like a door barely holding on to it's hinges. His eyes were wide in shock and some blood was trailing out of his mouth, the head was almost detached from the neck in a sickening way, the bunny's skin being the only thing keeping the entire thing connected.

He guessed that whatever he had kicked earlier was actually the head. Ouch.

The next thing he saw was the alligator hybrid leaning against a pile of bent trashcans and such, bleeding profusely and eyes rolled to the back. There was a large gaping hile on her chest, overlapping the slash across it too, Error then moved and turned to the next and saw that the next dead person was the cat monster, he then couldn't help but cringe a bit when he saw a large amount of blood on a wall, almost like a splash. Half of the back of the cat monster was gone, shattered into oblivion while some left over brain spaghetti stayed on the wall. Their arm was broken so bad that the bone jutted out and they were as good as dead.


"PERIL!" The last one he then saw was Peril, lying down on the ground with a huge crack on his skull, kind of like a web honestly. Blood was pouring out of it. "No no no no! I- I'm sOrRy!" Error yelled as he pulled Peril into his lap, tears pricking the corners of his eyesockets. "PeRil PleAse! I'm SorRy!" Error cried out, clinging to the unconscious skeleton.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Cliffhanger :)

Am I sorry?



Not at all.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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