┊Bonus┊ Valentines Special┊II┊

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It was the day of love, or so that's what most prefers to call it anyways. "Do you think Error would like it?" A nervous light guardian asked, glancing at his twin brother. "I'm sure he would. He loves anything we give him no matter how fucked up it is." "Brother!" The embodiment of negativity simply snickered at his brother's response to his swear. "But in all honesty Dream, I'm sure he would love it." "I hope so too brother." Dream then sighed before sheepishly smiling at their gifts. "Boss! Dream! We're here!" The twins then turned, Dream smiling brightly when they saw a monochrome skeleton and a skeleton with a blue scarf. "Cross! Blue! Hi!" Dream cheered excitedly, waving a bit and Blue sheepishly smiled. "Sorry that I'm late... I'm... Still not used to all this." Blue said softly. "It's fine Blue... What about your brother?"

"Oh, Pa- Carrot's gonna bring the chocolate boxes!" Blue chirped lightly. "Here's my contribution for Error." Cross then sets down a little figure made out of melted plastic, it was of Error on a swing, except the strings of the swing was the same color of Error's strings. "I've practiced 3D art just for this!" "Impressive!" "GAH-" Cross screamed, jumping back a bit before turning to the side. "INK WHAT THE HELL?!" Ink simply laughed as he then sets down a box. "What's in the box?" Ink glanced to his other side and blinked when he saw a figure in a hood with a red scarf. "Well Dust, it's actually filled with a miniature replica of a plant life jungle! Me and Cross actually tag teamed for this one." "Oooh that's the one!" Cross gasped and Ink carefully pulls it out of the box. "Only thing we need is the Error figurine." Ink grinned and Cross nodded, he then carefully places the figurine inside it and Ink was just excited now that they've finished their collaboration project.

"I didn't use any paints for this one, it's all resin and actual plants that me and Killer collected." Ink explained while Dream then smiled happily. "It's so pretty." "Why thank you." "Thanks." Cross and Ink chirped as Ink then helped Cross adjust the 3D art of Error. "Aaaand that's it!" Ink then pulled out a little bowl and began to pour the liquid carefully in. "That's resin by the way." Cross spoke at his friends' confused looks.

"Where's Killer?" "He should be coming soon, Nightmare. He said that he has an errand to attend to." Ink spoke and Nightmare nodded. "Boss we're here!" Looking up, Nightmare smiled when he saw Killer rushing up to them with Carrot besides him. "Hey." Carrot then gave a peace sign and Blue giggled excitedly. "Brother!" Blue cheered as Carrot then carefully sets the boxes of chocolates down. "I met up with Lust because he called for me specifically, he wanted to join in on gift giving for Error." Killer spoke. "He asked you?" "I'm surprised too." Killer then sets down a box of heart chocolate and flowers. "That's actually adorable." Dust commented with a small smirk. "I know!" Killer giggled while Nightmare just carefully placed a hand over them.

"Wait, isn't Lust Lithromantic?" Blue asked, glancing at Carrot, who nodded. "He is?" Dream gasped lightly and Carrot nodded again. "Yep. He's Lithromantic." Carrot snickered and Dream then looked back down at the box of chocolates and the flowers. "Honestly, I didn't expect that." Dream couldn't help but giggle a bit as Nightmare then began to carefully arrange the gifts on the table. "Dang it, when will Error arriiiiive!" Cross whined childishly while Blue then moved besides Carrot and held on his shirt, Nightmare glanced at them, sensing their doubts. "It's gonna be okay, I'm sure Error would be okay with you two." Nightmare smiled gently. "Sorry- it's just... We're still not fully trusting." Blue sheepishly said. "Trying's already good enough." Dream chirped, moving and hugging Blue while Ink nodded. "Yep! Trust me, you'll love Error platonically once you get to know him!" Ink cheered. "Yeah! He's the best parent too!" Dream chirped happily and Nightmare nods.

"Ayoooo! I made it broskis!" Quite a lot of people winced at the familiar lingo, seeing the colorful parasite skating it. "Sup homies!" The parasite exclaimed as he gave the griup finger guns. "Hello to you too Fresh." Dust simply sighed and Ink laughed, morphing to an Ink blob to reappear besides Fresh and giving him a hug, Fresh hugging back. "I got my share of mah radical Error-brah's gifts yo!" Fresh exclaimed as he then skated towards the gift table and sets down a carefully wrapped and covered bouquet. "What are these?" Killer curiously asked as he looks inside. "Is actually a bunch of rare flowers." Fresh's grin widened and Dream gasped. "YAAAASSS!" Dream couldn't help but squeal excitedly while Ink grinned widely. "Wait did you arranged it yourself?!" "Yupperoo! Dis stuffz' radically arranged by yours trully!" Fresh then placed his hands on his waist. "I went through a lotta off the heasy AUs just ta find the best flowers that I know broski would like!" Fresh chirped and Ink was jumping excitedly now. "That's so cool!" "Now all we really need is Error honestly." Killer laughed a bit and Nightmare then stood back once the gifts were all properly arranged.

A portal then opened and in stepped in the all too familisr glitch. "HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ERROR!" "Happy Valentines Day Error." Almost everyone exclaimed the word while Nightmare was mostly just soft spoken, same as with Dust. Error jumped in surprise at the sudden yell, almost dropping his box of stuff and blinking a bit. "Wh- HuH?" Error blinked once more as the portal closed before gasping softly.

"YoU gUyS dIdN't HaVe to?" Error was honestly quite surprised at them as Ink and Fresh then appeared besides him and hugged the glitch. "CaReFuL yOu [RAD]HoLeS!" Error yelled while Fresh simply laughed. "Sorry big broski! Happy Valentines day!" "Happy Valentines day brother." Ink chirped happily and Error rolled his eyelights before glancing at the rest and smiling a bit. "HaPpY vAlEnTiNeS dAy ToO." Error hummed as he then used his strings to pull the box up and opened his arms. Dream grinned widely and rushed towards Error's hug, hugging him happily while Nightmare walked over and hugged him as well. "Happy Valentines day Mama." Dream chirped and Nightmare softly hummed. "Happy Valentines day as well Ma." Nightmare muttered, ah, he's still embarrassed on calling Error his mother, but it always felt nice.

"HaPpY vAlEnTiNeS dAy As WeLl My ShOoTiNg StArS." Error then hugged the twins back, ignoring the cooes in the background while Nightmare only blushed more in embarrassment. "I gOt YoU aLl GiFtS tOo." "Awh Error! You didn't have to!" "I wAnTeD tO, sO sHuSh."

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I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself :')

I know I asked y'all how many chappies before a special, but I felt like this was needed before the upcoming scene in the next part lmao

Hope y'all liked this special! And liked an insight of Error's relationship with the rest of the gang xD

If y'all read Dreamcember Day 19-20, you all would've already known xD


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