┊XLIII┊Unwelcomed Anomaly┊2┊

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"Hey... Peril-" "Sorry Error, not now." Peril gave Error a small smile before quickly rushing towards the throne room again and Error frowned.

"Silver-" Error watched as Silver just shook his skull before he then sheathed his sword, another fight huh...

"Hey-" "Sorry Error! Another time!"

"Maybe another time Error, I need to leave with Silver."

"Not now, Boss needs us."

Error then frowned as he was ignored for the umpteenth time. Just what was wrong? He doesn't know. And it seems like he's the only one out of the loop too, as he's seen Shroud, Crimson, and even sometimes Sangria participating into whatever they were getting into. Error didn't let it get to him however, despite how annoying it is. It's not his job to poke into business, so they'll tell on their own accord.

But even so, he can tell that this is stressing them out, hell he's even seen Lord Nightmare being stressed out about this.

Which is why he's gonna make sure that they take a break, no matter how stressed they are over whatever problem they're experiencing, they're not gonna end up solving it if they're too stressed to look for newer ways to assess the problems.

He then pulled out his phone, a little gift that Peril had gotten for him and then went to his contacts, he only really has few contacts in it anyways. He then clicked on the highest one and then began walking off. "Error? Is something wrong?" "Sorta, yeah... I need help looking for a place to destress... Not for me, but for the entire Moon court." "What?! Are yous serious?!" "Yes." "You- how are you even gonna get his Moon Highness to agree?!" Error hummed a bit in thought.

"I'll find a way." Error was determined, they all need rest, and he'll make sure they get it. "I... Geez, you sound a lot like Mist when he wants to get something done." The other on the phone sighed and Error just grinned in victory. "Alright, there's this original AU..."


"Error, c'mon, we don't have time-" "No, you're coming wether you like it or not." Error crossed his arms as Peril stared at the pile of clothes on his arms before groaning. "Fine. But if the Bossmare gets pissed, then you're taking the blame." "Fine by me. I'll meet you at the throne room." Error then marched out of their shared room with a prideful look. Ha, now to get the rest of the court... Ah, they're gonna be hard... Though he has a feeling that he'll know how to get through them. He then went towards Silver's room before stopping when he saw the stalker hiding behind a bush and then frowning a bit. Jeez, when will he leave Silver alone?

Poor Silver.

He then went towards the door and knocked. "Peril give me a minute-" "It's Error." He figured that he shouldn't mention Metal's name instead. Opening the door, Metal then glanced down at Error before raising a brow. "We're gonna be going out so you six can destress." Error spoke and Metal frowned through Silver. "Error, we can't-" "I'm not taking no for an answer, get dressed." "But Error-" "No." Error then stared up at Metal, who stared back with narrowed eyesockets. Error then began glaring and Metal just sighed. "Fine."

"Great! Meet by the throne room once you're done, Peril'll be waiting there." Error then left before Metal could get another word in. Metal then slowly closed the door. "... Holy shit, when and where did he get that aura of authority?" Metal whispered softly as he left Silver's body and Silver just went towards the closet anyways while shrugging. One thing's for sure though, his respect for Error went up even more.

Error did the same with the Shroud and Sangria until he got to Crimson, seeing him working his ass off in the kitchen while mumbling to himself. Error could only frown when he saw how stressed Crimson was and Error was only made more Determined to give the court a break.

Walking towards Crimson, he then watched as Crimson then quickly pointed a knife at Error before slowly calming down. "Geez, Error you scared me." Crimson murmured and Error sheepishly smiled. "Sorry... I just wanted to ask if you can go get changed." Error hummed and Crimson blinked. "I... Why?" Crimson asked and Error smiled. "Because, I'm gonna bring the whole entire court to Destress! You all need it with whatevers going on, and I don't want you all to stress so much that you'll do worse in your performances than improve it." Error hummed and Crimson was shocked. "Are... Are you sure?" Crimson worriedly asked and Error nodded. "Mhmm. Now get changed."

"Wait- what about the others-" "They already agreed." Error explained and Crimson thinned his lips. "What about his Highness? Would he agree?" "He will, trust me." Error said softly and Crimson sighed. "Alright... I trust your word for it." "Sweet! Now meet up with the others in the throne room once you're done." Error explained and Crimson nodded. "Thank you again, Error." "It's no problem." Error grinned as Crimson then sets the knife down before teleporting away.

Error then left the room, stretching his hands a bit. Now, time to convince the Lord himself.

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Double update to compensate me not updating for two weeks or so :')

I'll hopefully go back to weekly updates next week! I just got really busy and demotivated xgdhdjd

Hope y'all liked it!


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