┊XXVI┊My Belonging┊1┊

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Error looked around curiously as they then reached the park, clinging a bit to Peril and walking closer to him after seeing such a large crowd. "The park looks different since I last went here undercover." Peril spoke, looking around and Prism grinned a bit. "Neat huh? We've been doing a little upgrading with the ecosystem to make sure that the air that the Sun residents breath is fresh." Prism chirped and Error curiously looked around some more. "Is it normal for the trees to be losing leaves...?" Error softly asked. "Yes darling, it's perfect normal." Rose chuckled softly as he then walked besides Error, standing besides them and glancing at the leafless tree.

"It's because of the fact that it's currently winter as of now, which means that there's no leaves. But once spring rolls around, or the temperature starts rising as the season changes, it should start growing back." Rose explained and Peril nodded, Error letting out a small 'ooh' at that information. He then couldn't help but think for a bit before glancing at Peril. "Hey Peril...?" "Yes?" "I wanna go back to the area where your friends found me after we're done berr." "You mean by the cliff?" Peril blinked in surprise and Error slowly nodded. "Yeah... I wanna check something..." Error said softly.

"Is it something important?" Prism couldn't help but ask and Error hummed a bit. "I... Guess? All I know is that there's something missing, and I kinda have a hunch that I'd find it there." Error spoke and Peril then clicked his tongue and shrugged. "Eh sure, why not. We can just take the teleporters to the outskirts." Peril said and Error smiled. "I'm coming with! I wanna see the site, Comet's photos are not enough!" Prism grinned and Rose just sighed. "Guess I'll come to. I'd rather not leave you alone... No offense darling." "None taken!" Prism chirped and Peril just made the motion of rolling his eyelights. Ah, why is he gonna be stuck with Prism longer...


"We're here." Peril spoke as he stepped off the teleporter and glanced ahead at the snow covered path. "Do you even know which way to go?" Prism couldn't help but ask and all of them was silent for a moment. "We'll just get there when we get there." Error sheepishly said before he then began to walk. Peril quickly rushing after Error and then walking in front of him, Error glancing at him and grabbing on to his jacket once more. It was more or less a safety thing that he's gotten quite used to.

"So, do you still not remember the reason why you wanted to go to the spot where you basically was supposed to die in?" Peril raised a brow. "Peril!" Rose gasped in surprise and Peril shrugged a bit. "What?" "No not really... It's just that, I think it might be related to my past, and that's why I wanna see if the item is there." Error explained and Peril nodded. "Eh, valid." "Do you know what it is?" Prism couldn't help but ask. "No... That's what we're gonna find out honestly." Error sheepishly said before he then rubbed his arms a bit and then adjusted his coat.

"Do you think it's like, the same importance as your coat?" Prism asked once more. "You mean the coat that looks so worn down that it would make Error look like a fuckin' hobo if he wore it?" Peril raised a brow and Prism snorted a bit. "Peril that's mean!" "What! You agree with me Rose!" "True- but still! Not in front of Error!" Rose gestured to the clearly confused glitch.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what a hobo is." Peril then began to laugh at that while Rose blinked before taking a deep breath in and then letting it out. Right, amnesia. Prism's mostly just snickering from that in all honesty.

Error then blinked before stopping a bit, which then caused Peril, Prism and Rose to stop as well. "Error?" Prism raised a brow and Error looked around, a bit concerned. "I think we're not alone..." Error muttered. "Really?" Rose whispered while Peril slowly took out his knife, twirling it around in his hand before gripping the handle. Rose then placing a hand over a handle hidden behind his cape and Prism looked around in concern.

"How're you so sure though?" Prism whispered after a bit as he glanced at Error. "I heard them... They're still walking but... I think they're passing us." Error commented and Prism hummed a bit. "Well, it's best that we keep our guard up and continue on then, whatever Error wants to find might not be there for long, so we should hurry." Rose spoke and the rest nodded, they then began to walk once more.

"Honestly, I'm quite surprised you even heard something that we didn't." Prism chirped. "Honestly, that's really cool." Prism then added, grinning at the glitch who then sheepishly smiled. "Ehhh...." "Honestly, at this point, you might have quite a good hearing." Peril said and Error blinked. "Yeah, probably... I've been hearing a few things from a bit further... Especially when I focus on them." Error said and Rose then smiled. "That's really cool then, darling." "Err, thank you?" Error blinked, he doesn't get what Rose was even saying but he'll take it as Rose praising him or something similar to that.

They then continued their path onwards.

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Aaaand I did it! I updated! Even though it's hella late, sorry

I couldn't bring myself to be motivated enough so I had to procrascinate for a bit fhdhdndn

Hope y'all still enjoyed it anyways :')

Also, regarding the Bonus chappies, do you want me to do it every 5, 10 or 15 chapters?

I don't mind whichever y'all choose ngl


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