┊VII┊The Moon Empire┊2┊

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After a bit of struggle in getting him to eat, Error was finally able to take the food and stomach it down without having the urge to puke it out. But that was only because he only ate the chocolate that was on the plate, the rest he had less struggle when he had chocolate eaten first. "Well now that that's out of the way... Peril, do you have clothes for him?" Shroud asked and Peril nodded. "Lemme go to Sangria!" Peril chirped before quickly teleporting away. Shroud then nodding a bit before glancing at Error, who was staring at the spot where Peril was before blinking and glancing at Shroud.

"It's normal." Shroud sighed and Error slowly nodded in confusion as he fiddled with the fork in hand. He doesn't know why but he has an urge to bite down and just swallow the thing.

Can he even swallow it? He doesn't know. Shroud then looked to the side to see that Peril had teleported back. "Got ya your outfit! You should change to it!" Peril chirped and Error blinked lightly. "Don't tell me you don't remember how to change too." Shroud sighed and Error gave a sheepish smile. "No matter! I'll help ya! First, you put your arms through this..."


"Well good job! You did it!" Peril cheered once Error then came out of the curtain in a red turtleneck and a pair of black pants with black slippers. "Sangria's outfit looks good on you, though looks a bit bigger." Peril grinned, eyeing Error up and down and Error just slowly nodded as he walked stumbled bit during his walking and quickly balanced himself. Shroud just rolling his eyelights at Error. "C'mon." Shroud spoke and began to walk, Error looking at him and quickly following while he nervously fidgeted with the bandages on his body, even his hands was covered in bandages... And some parts already has blood seeping out of it too, but Error paid no mind. The pain was mostly numbed out already really.

Peril seems to have a skip in his steps as he walked down the isle while Shroud was just moodily having his hands stuffed into his hoodie, face buried into his turtleneck and Error wondered if this was normal for them. Probably is in all honesty if they're acting like this...

Soon enough, they were face to face with the door and the two opened it. "Your highness~!" Peril chirped happily and Error glanced forward, blinking when he was met with a being, goop covering his bones and four tentacles moving around and helping him move items and stuff. There was also another, a guard maybe? He had a black cape on himself and a lightning looking red scar under his left eyesocket. 'Is this... Nightmare...?' Error couldn't help but think once he gazed upon the goopy one, especially since he looks so serious too. Plus, he doubts Dream is his name with how... Dark....? The aesthetic is. Unless he's Dream then he wouldn't really judge, he'd rather not assume but it's kinda hard if the letter never really gave him a description on who's who.

Plus he sort of had a... Gut?? SOUL? Feeling that this was Nightmare, as if he's met him before. But that's honestly ridiculous, he was way too tall! ... Yeah he's confused now.

Without realizing it, he had snapped out of his train of thought and was now currently in front of the desk with the goopy being eyeing him tentatively. "I-I'm sorry what?" Error stuttered out, has he asked a question? The other simply just sighed. "I asked you what your name was, mortal." The goopy being deadpanned and Error blinked. "Oh- uhm... Apparently it's- it's Error." The other raised a brow. "Apparently?" "He has amnesia, sir!" Peril chirped and the other just sighed, as if he was too used to being interrupted. "Speak only when I'm talking to you." The goopy being grumbled and Peril nodded. "Okay!" "Peril." The other... Guard??? Hissed and Peril just snickered.

Error figured that this was also normal... Despite how pissed off the king??? Ruler??? Looks to be. "So... You have amnesia then... Anything else you remember?" The king asked and Error stayed silent for a bit, thinking for a moment. "Well... I woke up in... A white VOID I- I guess... By then, I have no memories but... I was... Told, to look for someone named Nightmare or Dream..." Error nervously spoke, noticing how this goopy being seems to have quirked an eyebrow at the mention of the names.

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