┊XXXIV┊Talk Of Choice┊3┊

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"What happens once the bar reaches 100?" Crimson asked, looking at the bar above the unconscious glitch. "Dunno." Peril shrugged as he then carefully adjusted his hold on Error. "Dude, you really should let Error go, he might do... Whatever this thing he is doing if he somehow manages to revive." "He will revive! He's just... Asleep... Probably." Peril huffed. "Plus! He's not dusting, and monsters dust when they die." Peril added in. "That is true." Shroud mumbled and nudged Crimson a bit. "Why did you even tackled him down, Peril?" Nightmare couldn't help but sigh after a while, recovering from his clear disappointment.

"I just got really excited Bossmare!" "Don't." Nightmare pointed at Peril with a glare, who then grinned a bit. "Okay Bossmare!" Nightmare just gave an exaggerated sigh of annoyance. Peril just giggling a bit before focusing back on Error when Shroud's voice rang out.

"We really should get going if we want to gift Sangria something." Shroud added and Crimson blinked. "Oh right, Peril, you gonna be alright on your own?" "I wiiiilll beeee. I have to make sure that Error wakes uuup!" Peril whined childishly before blinking when he heard 'Reboot complete'. "Oh-"

Soon enough, a soft groan sounded from Error as he stirred awake and Peril gasped. "HE'S ALIVE! Wait- ZOMBIE-" Peril screamed a bit when he yelped after Error smacked his mouth. "Sh-ShUt-Ut uP-uP." Error groaned and Peril was quick to do so. Shroud, Crimson and Silver blinking in surprise. Specifically Shroud. Peril actually listened? They thought that Peril only shuts up if Nightmare asks him to! How much power does this newbie have over Peril dang-

"PuT-" Before Error could finish his sentence, Peril then carefully sat Error up and then sets him on the floor, crawling a bit away to give the glitch some space as he then covered his skull a bit, everything was black and fuzzy, he could barely hear words, but his sense of touch was going haywire. What even happened? He doubts that he could even get the response he wants if all he hears is static though, so he won't ask until his glitches has calmed.

Error could hear warbled noises coming through his hearing, but it's just that, garbled noises and never ending static. "I don't think he can hear us?" Peril asked as he then pulled out a blowable horn." "Wh- Peril no!" Nightmare yelled, grabbing the horn from Peril with a tentacle and Peril pouted. "It would probably help him here us!" Peril whined and Nightmare shook his skull.

"Look, I get that you're so eager now with Error in the Empire, but you should keep it down and be patient, especially since you're the reason why Error... Why whatever happened to Error, happened." Nightmare gestured to the out of it skeleton, who then shook his skull a bit to try and get rid of the ringing static. "I knoww... But I can't help it." Peril grinned. "You know how impulsive I am boss!" Peril chirped and Nightmare just sighed. "One of the things I hate about you!" "Love you too!" Peril snickered while Nightmare rolled his eyelight.

Error then blinked a bit once he finally starts seeing colors, blinking more and more and relaxing now that he's awake. The static was also starting to fade now too and his glitches was lessening, guess calming down makes them disappear faster. "Error? Dude?" Error glanced at Peril before scrunching his nasal bone up a bit. "DoN't. Hug WitHoUt wArnIng." Was all that Error had said and Peril sheepishly laughed. "Of course." Peril then grinned at Error innocently and Error just simply deadpanned. "Whaaaat! I promise that!" Peril flailed his arm a bit and Error sighed. "Error?" Error glanced towards Nightmare, still a bit woozy from the sudden enforcement of unconsciousness on to him. "What was that?"

"I uH..." Yeah, what was that? He was sure he's experienced that a multitude of times considering how familiar he is... And how he might have probably slipped into whatever personality he had back then, if his sudden change in how he talks to Peril has anything to do about it, he would've gone softer with telling Peril that after all! Especially since Peril's his... Roommate? Friend maybe? He hopes they could be friends.

Okay back on topic. "S'kinda like a computer huh... Especially with the Reboot parts." Crimson commented, tilting his skull and Error blinked when a tiny bit of memory came into his mind. "It's a crash, your highness." "A... Crash?" "Yeah... Like a computer crash... I think... It probably came from me being glitchy." Error commented and then looks at Nightmare. "That's what I mostly know... Or err- remember about that. I do know that it helps calm me down... Kinda like... Resorting my system." Error sheepishly explained and Nightmare nodded.

"I see..." Nightmare just decided to not question, or dive more into Error's past. now, especially since he knows that there might be something that might be useful for us. "Well, regarding earlier, do you think you'll be okay now?" Nightmare asked as Error then carefully got the feet. I think so .. Yeah. Thank you for asking." Error sheepishly smiled and Nightmare waved his hand dismissively, as if saying' don't mention it.'

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Hella sleepy, procrastinated on this, my eyes were close to closing as I type this lmao, oop

But hey, Error's awake :D

Hope y'all enjoyed dhdjdndm

Auf wiedersehen!

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